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"Then they just didn't take anything and you haven't lost anything." Dream was intrigued in trying to find what had been stolen.

They walked around for a while, trying to figure out what was missing. "I'm gonna head upstairs, to your bedroom. Maybe something there."

Dream walked up the stairs, into George's bedroom. He looked around, starting with the bedside table. "All still there." Then he turned around looking on the floor and walking to the other side of the room.

He looked up and at first didn't notice it. But then the shock of it missing made him terrified. As you all already knew, it was the phone.

"Oh my God... GEORGE!" Dream yelled extremely loudly. "What?" George said sprinting over to Dream. "Oh no..." George said right after he noticed what Dream was looking at.

"Dream, if this is some sick prank." George was holding his hand on his mouth, expressing how surprised he was. "I was about to say the same thing..."

"Why- Do you think they knew about the phone calls?" George said removing his hand from his mouth, a layer of tears appearing in his eyes.

"George, I will find it. I swear to God, I'll find it." Dream said with a voice full of anger. "How could anyone find out?" George said, a tear now running down his face.

"George, how are there so many tears in you?" Dream said, trying to cheer George up. George chuckled a bit, and then wiped away his tears.

"How do you plan on even finding it?" George said looking at the empty spot on the counter. "I haven't quite figured that out yet." Dream rubbed the back of his neck and looked over at George.

"I won't be able to live without it standing there." George said, his face full of hurt. "Just- Let's go back to Wilbur's." Dream didn't know anything to say to George.

The phone missing really shocked both, Dream and George. They walked outside and headed back to the car. They got in and drove back to Wilbur's house.

"How will you find it?" George said going over to the door and slowly opening it. "I'm gonna think of a way." Dream said following right behind George.

"You have to find it, Dream. If there's anything that I can do, you tell me." George said closing the door.

They turned around and saw Wilbur standing there and looking at George talking to himself.

"Did you say Dream?" Wilbur looked at him with a serious expression. "Wilbur! You scared me!" George said putting his hand on his chest. "Are you like, okay?"

"Yeah, Wilbur, I'm fine." George said trying not to look at Wilbur. "Are you sure?" Wilbur walked up to George and put his hand on George's shoulder.

"I went back and found what was stolen." George turned around facing Wilbur. "It was the phone. The phone that I talked to Dream trough." Georges voice was full of anger. Wilbur's eyes widened as he stared at George.

"Oh my Lord, I'm so sorry George." Wilbur hugged George and George of course gave in. "Do you think they knew about the... You know." "I have no idea." Wilbur answered and soon after continued.

"But why were you talking to... Like air and said Dream?" Wilbur pulled out of the hug and stared right in George's eyes. "I was talking to myself and somehow he just got involved."

George still didn't want to tell Wilbur. He looked at his side and saw Dream staring at them in awe. George let out a small smile from how beautifully Dream was smiling at them.

"What are you looking at again?" Wilbur said laughing. "I'm just getting distracted by some weird thoughts all the time." George smoothly saved himself.

"I'll try to believe that." Wilbur looked at him with a weird face and slowly went in the stair direction. "Bye now." "Bye, Wilbur."

Once Wilbur was up the stairs, out of sight, George immediately turned to Dream. "I'm getting caught all the time, I'll have to stop talking to you."

George was just joking but Dream took it serious and went straight into George. "Ow, Dream, what the hell." George yelled out a bit too loudly.

Wilbur was coming down the stairs. "Why are you yelling? And did you say Dream again?" Wilbur was slowly walking up to George, giving him a death stare.

"I'm sorry, you'll just have to get used to me talking to myself." George gave a small, fake laugh. "Why were you yelling though?" Wilbur was now laughing.

"I don't know, I'm just weird." George laughed with him. "That's for sure." Wilbur sat down on the couch. "I have the rest of the day completely free. We can go down to my father's grave today and then just chill. Sally won't be home till evening."

Dream flinched at the thought of his grave. "Sure!" George was now sitting down on one of the high chairs in the kitchen.

"We can go right now." Wilbur said looking at George. "Uhm, yeah! Let's go."

They both got up and gathered their phones, keys and Wilbur got the flowers, that he bought yesterday, but couldn't visit the grave.

They left the house and got in the car. Dream was slowly following them. George knew that Dream can't go trough doors, so he had to open the back door for Dream.

George told Wilbur that he wanted to put his jacket at the back seat, so Wilbur wouldn't get suspicious. They drove for around ten minutes, when Wilbur stopped the car in a small parking lot.

They all got out and headed towards a small graveyard. It was a small, cute one, with only few close people. They walked in and Dream at once noticed the grave that had his name on it.

It was quite fresh, so it was still beautiful and clean. There were few dead calendulas and loads of other flowers, but Dream could notice only the calendulas.

Wilbur put the flowers down and took some of the oldest and deadest flowers away. "I like this grave." Dream told George smiling. "That's good." George answered, once again of course, forgetting that Wilbur was right next to him.

"What?" Wilbur turned around facing George, still in a squat. "I said that looks good." George quickly answered.

"You cover up that talking really well." Dream was looking around. He hadn't been here for a long time.


Thank you for reading<3

Unchained Melody (Flowers From 1970 Sequel Pt 2) // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now