the power

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TW - su!c!de, self-harm

Dream stood up and walked up to George and traced his fingers on the paths the tears had left, trying to get the tears off George's face. He didn't think he'd succeed, but he did.

George opened his eyes. He couldn't feel the tears on his face anymore, but in place, he felt cold hands on his cheeks. Real hands, not just coldness. Dream backed up and called for Charlie to come back.

"Give me the seeds," Dream ordered. 

"Where's the please?" Charlie asked while getting the orchid seeds out of his pocket. George was looking at the packet of seeds fly out of the mediums hand and in Georges direction, meaning that Dream was holding them. He was getting good at moving objects as well.

"Why...?" Georges face was full of confusion. 

"Clay said that you once told him that you like them," Charlie awkwardly said. 

"That was so long ago, for you, how do you remember something like that?" a small smile escaped Georges lips.

"He said 'I remember every call'." Charlie sat down and watched how they tried to communicate. "He said 'a friend for the calendulas'." All of them smiled and then sat in silence for a while, letting Dream just watch Georges beautiful face.

"Clay just told me that he will help you with the robbers to make sure you're safe and then he'll leave you alone for good." Charlie gulped. This was back to being personal, but he just sat there and listened in on every word.

Georges face after the sentence turned back to miserable. "So you'll leave me once again, for the third time..." George whispered and laid back against the couch. Dream almost wished he had never got involved with George, so he would never have to go trough such immense pain, emotionally.

"Let's go, Charlie." Dream stood up and headed towards the door.

"Clay wants to leave, have a good day." Charlie stood up too, leaving George alone and miserable.

"I don't know what happened between you two, but you definitely hurt him." Charlie spat out the awful truth making Dream even sadder. 

"I know." Dream was back to being numb and empty. He could feel the mourning again.

They were back at the town square and Dream told Charlie that he'll leave him to his scammer job and leave. 

Dream was back at Wilbur's house shortly. Sapnap was pacing around the living room and talking to himself. Dream walked up to him and he started explaining himself at once.

"Dream, I'm sorry, I know you really love him and it hurt to hear, but you need to hear it, I don't want you to get too attached. You're dead and supposed to be here, in the dead people... place. You don't belong in that world." Sapnap was talking very quickly, with a concerned tone.

"I know, I'll help him out with the robbers and leave him alone for good. I don't hate you, dude, it just hurts." Dream, still a bit numbly, said. "I went there with the medium. George was the one who cried for hours."

"Oh, well, at least we're good. I was slightly worried you'd never talk to me again." Sapnap said laughing, trying to take Dreams mind off of George. "Well, while you were gone, I tried shifting and moving objects, like you. I couldn't. Nothing happened. But I think I heard some voices for a moment though."

"Nice." Dream tried not to think about George, but it was impossible, he could hear Sapnap talking, but he could concentrate only on George. On Georges smile, Georges face, Georges personality, he is perfect. There's no bad things about George. He is just perfect.

"Dream, come on, I know you're not listening. You need to forget him." Sapnap's voice had slight worry in it again. 

"Oh yeah, sorry. I can't stop thinking about him." Dream admitted with a dumb grin.

"That's just sad. But now that I have your attention again, I'll continue." Sapnap was telling Dream about some cool idea he came up with. But sadly, Dream didn't hear any of it. He was thinking only about George the whole time.


Hours passed. Dream and Sapnap were talking and Dream told Sapnap out of nowhere that he had to do something and he'd be back in about an hour.

Sapnap had an idea what it could be that Dream needed to do.

Dream walked outside and headed to Georges house. He had to see Georges face for at least one more minute. Especially to see George sleeping.

He walked inside, walked up face to face with the green handprints and tried to shift. He did it almost instantly. "That was fast." Dream thought to himself, impressed. He couldn't see George in his bedroom, so he walked downstairs to the living room.

There was George, wrapped in a blanket, crying his soul out. "Oh, George. Please stop crying..." He walked up to George and tried not to move objects, so George didn't know he was there.

George was talking to himself. Mostly just gibberish stuff. "Maybe if I killed myself, I could finally be with Dream, happy." George yelled out, sobbing. 

"Oh my God no, George, no." Dream let a tear roll down his face. He hadn't even thought of something so awful. How could George say something like that.

Then Dream looked on the floor, in front of George, was a knife. Dreams eyes widened. "George is not allowed to do something like that." Dream thought to himself and clutched onto his hair in fear. A dumb idea popped in his mind. He should try to let George see him. 

Maybe like, shift the power from Charlie to George or something like that. He had to try. He wasn't going to let George suffer like this. He sat down in front of George and closed his eyes. He thought of Charlies abilities and thought of them as flying into George. Thought of Georges eyes staring into his. Thought of George.

He sat there listening to Georges sobs and then they just stopped. Dream opened his eyes out of worry and saw George leaning back looking Dream straight in the eyes. It actually worked.

"D- Dream?" George loudly called out, startling Dream. 

"George!" Dream stood up and tried hugging George, but his arms went right through George, making him shiver.

"Why is there a knife there, George?" Dream slowly asked in a sad and disappointed voice. He felt bad for sort of invading Georges privacy.

"I- I..." George cupped his face and started sobbing again. George himself couldn't understand how there could be so many tears inside of him.

"You promised you'd live your life..." Dream said in the same tone. 

"And you promised to leave me alone and let me move on." Georges sobbing calmed down just a little. 

"I know, but I just can't live without you..." Dream said now even sadder.

"How can I see you, am I hallucinating?" George was taking in every single little detail of Dream. This was his first time seeing him. 

"No, you're not. I tried to let you see me and it somehow worked." Dream explained with a weak smile.



Thank you for reading<3

Unchained Melody (Flowers From 1970 Sequel Pt 2) // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now