Chapter 73

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"Here, you good?" Sam gives you a hand and pulls you to your feet as you hold the side of your face. You then move your hand to your side again as you feel the warm blood seeping through your shirt.

"Not again" you sighed.

"Did you know they could do that?" Sam asked Bucky while he picked up the arm again and put it back on his shoulder, swinging it around once to reset.


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"No." He tells the falcon. "Woah, what happened to you?" His attention was immediately turned to you as you stumbled against the wall for support. He walked towards you and helped you up and towards the couch again.

"You all right, man?" Lamar stood over his friend.

"They weren't even Super Soldiers." Walker sighs in defeat.

"Come on." The two leave Zemo's place in defeat.

"I can't believe he pulled an El Chapo." Sam looks to the bathroom where Zemo escaped through the sewer.

"I can." Bucky grabs the first aid kit from the room before moving back to you. Sweat glistened your forehead. "Here" he sat next to you and opened the kit. His blue eyes scanned yours for permission as his hand moved to the bottom of you shirt. You gave him a simple nod before closing your eyes and wincing in pain as he cleaned the wound again. "Well the good news is, it's healing."

"But?" You open one eye to look at him.

"But it needs to be rested if it's going to fully heal"

"Great" I sighed. He stood up and pulled me to my feet again.

"Come on" he handed you your jacket and moved to grab his own.

"We need a place to lay low for a few days until we get a new lead" Sam speaks up as you walk into the streets, carrying your bags.

"I saw a hotel not too far from here, I'm sure we can get some rooms for the night" you tell them.

"Sounds like a plan" Sam agreed as Bucky nodded. You all checked into the small hotel, booking two rooms with a room connecting them. "Why do I have to share a room with the cyborg who has a staring problem" Sam sighs, unlocking the door.

"Because y/n needs her privacy. And I don't like having to share a room with you either bird brain"

"Boys be nice" you warned in a motherly way.

"Yeah Bucky" Sam pushes.

"Sam" you give him a stern look and he backs off, opening the door for the two of them.

You had all stayed the night, trying to get some good sleep but all failing miserably aside from the falcon who had passed out the instant his head hit the pillow. The next morning you sat up to note that your wound had almost completely heal, thanks to the super soldier serum.

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