Chp 1: Establishing Bounds

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A/N Warning!!!: This chapter will contain nonconsensual-consensual acts. If it makes you uncomfortable please dont read. Thankyou.
Tyler cocked his head in interest as he watched Damon and Caroline argue on the other side of the bonfire. Caroline was his friend and he knew that Damon had not treated her very well when they were together. They were arguing in hushed whispers. Not even Tyler could hear it from so far away.

He knew Caroline could handle herself, even against a guy as big as Damon. She was a supernatural for Christ's sake. But it made him angry to see the older man grab her, like she was his property.

Caroline tore free and flashed her teeth at her ex angrily before she marched away to join Elena and Bonnie. Tyler noticed that only the elder Salvatore was at the party. He was quite grateful. Stefan was pain in the ass. And he smelled like an ashtray - which was funny cause he didn't smoke.

Tyler saw Damon head on into the forest and decided to follow him. They needed to have a word. The older man really could not believe that treating the petite blonde like that was gonna fly.

Damon was angry. He was furious. Why couldn't Caroline see that he was only trying to look after her? Granted, he may not be the most loving Sire there was, but she was his Childe, an annoying one, but he did love her... in his own way. An unconventional parental figure he may be, and he worked hard to keep up the image of the devil-may -care playboy, and some would even say Stefan was a better Sire than he was, but why was he the only one who seemed to think that it was a bad idea for his newborn vampire Childe to hang out with an out of control werewolf during the full moon?

For the other three weeks of the month he didn't really care. Caroline was a big girl. But for the one week, and only at night time, he wanted her to stay away from him. To anyone who asked; she was useful. And she was, but Damon felt responsible. What on earth would he tell her mother?

"Salvatore!" He heard someone call his name. Damon turned around to see the werewolf in question stalking down the trail after him.

"Lockwood." he acknowledged, "What do I owe this pleasure?" Damon blinked as the teenager stopped in front of him. Just in the past few months he'd grown massive. Damon seemed to remember the Lockwood brat being slightly shorter than Stefan, but the wolf standing in front of him was...huge. He wasn't that much taller. Maybe an inch or two, but where Damon was sleek and feline, Tyler was built like a brick wall.

"Caroline is my friend," Tyler said, "And the way you treat her is not right."

Damon groaned. Great. "It's really none of your business -"

"Yes it is," Tyler said, "She's my friend -"

"Yeah, you mentioned that..." Damon rolled his eyes.

Tyler could not help but let a growl at Damon's blunt disregard. And he also noticed Damon's reaction to the sound. With narrowed eyes he stepped into the older man's personal space. "She deserves better than have you yell at her over god-knows-what, grabbing her -"

If his heart had been beating, Damon was sure it would have skipped one as the werewolf invaded his space. He could feel the heat radiating off of him. It felt like sunshine on a warm day. "Girl wont stand still long enough to see reason -"

Tyler arched a brow. He had to admit, that was true. "That doesn't mean you can be such a jackass to her," he said and stepped closer.

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