Chp 5: School

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The tyres of Damon's car complained as he manoeuvred the car through the sharp turn into the school parking lot. Being, well, Damon, he didn't slow down even a tiny notch. The parking attendant, a bitter old man, turned red with fury as he narrowly missed another car as he slid into the principals slot.

Damon stepped out with a flourish, as always, attracting attention with his blue mustang and leather jacket. And, of course, a sweaty Tyler Lockwood sliding out next to him.

The young werewolf noticed only too well the appreciative looks Damon was getting from the girls. Although not from the parking attendant. "Mr. Lockwood," he raged, redfaced. "Your driving -"

"I think you'll find that is my car," Damon stated flippantly. Tyler frowned as Damon's entire demeanour changed as he spoke the next words, "And you love my driving," he said before he smiled charmingly.

"I love your driving," the parking attendant repeated.

"Good man," Damon said and patted the mans shoulder and walked through the crowd of hormone pumping teenagers.

"What was that?" Tyler asked.

Damon just shook his head, "We have an understanding," he replied as he walked through the hallway. Tyler noticed that people moved when they saw Damon coming. While he himself got peoples attention, he didn't make them move out of his way. He had a feeling there was a lot more to Damon Salvatore than the man was letting on.

Tyler laid a hand on Damon's hip as they approached Alaric's office, his intention pretty clear. However, Damon was not quite so game. "I might have let you fuck me blind, but I am not about to become the new rat in the high school rumour mill," he said pointedly. Emphasising the 'let'. He refused to think about that Tyler overpowered him quite easily.

With a sigh, Tyler nodded, "That's fair," he smirked and winked at him as he walked away, heading to the gym.

Damon smiled, despite himself. He shook his head at his own behaviour. What was he turning into? With a sigh he pushed open the door to Alaric's office. "Heya there teach," he said with his trademark smirk and cocky swagger.

Alaric let out a long suffering sigh as he saw the vampire enter his office, "Damon, this is Principal Gregory, I need a favour."

Damon rolled his eyes, "I figured that. Let me hear it so I can turn it down."

"I need you to take over my classes and coaching for the next two months." Alaris stated simply.

Damon pretended to think for a moment before he answered, "uuumh... no." He smiled.

"Damon, I have been given an opportunity to go to Bulgaria to do some research. I was hoping to look at the family history of the Petrova family, the predecessor to one of the founding families of Mystic Falls, The Pierce's, and now also the Gilberts. As a member of the council you know how important this is. Especially to Jeremy... and Elena."

Damon paused. "You don't know Bulgarian." he said suspiciously, "Which I do, so it would be more productive for me to go and you to keep teaching and coaching,"

"The council wants me to go. They feel it will be... more productive for an experienced researcher and historian to go rather than... you...You are apparently too valuable to be sent out of the town on such a long stretch."

The Principal stepped forward, "As a long standing member of the council I have faith in you to be able to handle a class of rowdy teenagers and football players,"

Damon blinked. Football players.

"Do I actually have a choice?" he asked.

"Not really," Alaric said. "While I don't have the Principal's unwavering faith in you, there are certain things you have to keep under control."

"I am aware of that there is some supernatural activity in my school," the principal said, "while I am not aware of exactly whom, there have been no incidents. I have my suspicions, but my first priority is to keep all my students safe, even those of supernatural decent. An outsider might notice something amiss, especially if the outsider in question is in the know. I am not naive enough to believe Mystic Falls is alone."

"Do you know I've dated one of your students?" And had recently been... whatever,

"Uh, yeah, Stefan filled me in," Alaric replied flippantly.

Damon grit his jaw. The Principal had a very valid point. Alaric had noticed straight away when he had arrived. It was only lucky he was on their side. They were not likely to be that lucky twice. "Fine."

"Good," Alaric said, "The team is doing circuits. I usually just let them get on with it as they seem to know what they're doing. History classes are covering the Civil War, which I know you know a lot about," Alaric said. "Everything you need is in this office and I have made lesson plans...and game plans..." he trailed off, "If you need anything just call."

"Wait, you want me to take over right now?" Damon asked.

Alaric paused, "Uh, yeah. I'll take you down to the gym..." he gathered up a few papers and put them in a pile. "And introduce you to the guys."


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