Chp 6: Meet the guys

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"Boys!" Alaric yelled. The music turned down and the guys put down their stuff and turned their attention to their coach. "As I told you, I'll be in Bulgaria for a few months..." A few of the guys nodded. Damon saw Tyler putting down some weights looking curiously at the scene. "And Damon here will be taking over my duties... Now don't be fooled by his pretty face and baby blues. He knows his football and can probably run circles around you all," he smiled, "So behave and bring those games home." Alaric patted Damon on the shoulder. "Good luck buddy,"

"I hate you." Damon tossed over his shoulder as the human walked away. He turned back to the teenage boys standing in the gym looking at him expectantly, "Just... get back to what ever you were doing," he said and fished out his phone.

Most of the boys just turned back to their training, resuming their chatter, but a few observed their new coach. "So..." a blonde boy approached Damon, "You're the new coach?" he asked, swaggering cockily. Damon just arched a brow as he glanced up at the boy. "You gonna be makin' the moves on the rest of us as well, or is Lockwood special?" he hooked his thumbs on the front of his shorts, winking suggestively. "You might wanna treat us all equal... or we might tell the principal."

Damon's fingers paused on the screen of his phone. He sighed and stood up, finding that he stood just a little shorter than the football players. Not to mention that the blonde boy as about a foot wider than him. "Look kiddo, don't threaten me. You're nothing but a tick, and I'll squash you -"

"You can squash my dick in you tight little -"

Damon saw Tyler straightening up, watching the scene with keen interest and sharp eyes. As the blonde boy stepped closer Tyler put his towel down and came closer. No one got to even try to bully his Damon.

Damon smiled coldly and put his hand on the boy's shoulder. Then he squeezed.

"Oh - ow fuck man -" The blonde player whimpered and fell to his knees in pain.

"Listen boy, as I said, you are but a little tick. If I squeeze just a little tighter the nerve that I am pressing on will be permanently damaged and you will have restricted mobility in you right arm, your back and your right leg for the rest of your life. You won't ever play sports again, you won't ever get a job and you'll be in chronic pain for the rest of your life. Do you understand me?" he asked.

The not so cocky jock was sweating and shaking under Damon's grip as he whimpered, "Y-yes."


"Y-yes sir."

Damon let go and let the boy crumble to the floor, "Now, to the rest of you, my private life is off limits. Yes, the principal knows. No, he doesn't care. If you have an issue with me, take it up with me and don't act like a cocky little cunt with your pumped up macho bullshit like this massive waste of space and precious oxygen," he said, gesturing to the boy still on the floor. "And whoever is doing 90 kilo's on the weights should jack it up to a 120. Little Miss Forbes can lift that with one hand so get to it boys. Chop chop."

Michael leaned into Matt and whispered, "What was that all about?" he asked.

Matt smirked, "I think Ryan might have happened upon something that was meant to be kept private and then made the mistake of thinking Damon Salvatore would stand for being bullied by a high school kid."

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