Chapter 6

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We checked out of our hotel the next morning. Ignoring the stupid hangover that greeted all of us the moment we woke up, we called Trevor to drive us to the airport instead. The ride to the airport was quiet since we were all too damn tired to utter a single word and feel the unbearable pain from our hangover if we even tried.

Luckily for us, Trevor bought us coffee on the way to the airport and I was so glad to let the warm liquid and the smell of coffee to surround me, doing a great job by blocking the pain in my head, well, just by 50 percent though. My phone starts buzzing in my hand and I squinted my eyes to try and make out whose calling. When I finally make out the caller and realized that it was my dad, I sat up straight in the front seat immediately and cleared my throat so that he won't detect the tone that gives away the truth that I was drinking and now i'm bearing the results.

"Hey dad." I chirped happily to the phone and mentally scolded myself when I realized that I sound way too cheerful that I had intended to be.

"Hey princess, how's your summer vacation going?"

"It's all good, we're having a lot of fun. How are you and mom doing?"

"We're okay princess, just had our breakfast and we decided to call so we can check up on you guys. Are you ready to head to Miami?"

"Yeah actually, we're on our way to the airport right now. Trevor is taking us."

"I'm glad. So, everything is okay with you girls? Nothing bad happened or anything?"

I rolled my eyes. Typical dad. He's always gonna ask if anything went wrong because knowing him, he won't stop prying unless he's absolutely sure that everything is okay. That's one side of him that I love about my father.

"We're fine dad, stop worrying. I'll call you when we land okay? We're pulling up at the runway now. Say hi to mom for me okay?"

I heard a distant 'love you' echoing from the other side of the line and I knew that it was mom who said it.

"Okay love you guys, bye!"

I ended the call just right on time when Trevor parked the car and we all stepped out of the vehicle while Trevor started taking out our luggage from the trunk. The jet was already here and I waved at Mitch when I saw him walking down the stairway of the plane, tipping his pilot hat at me in acknowledgement.

"Let me help." I heard Trevor said to Leah and he started carrying the suitcases up inside the jet. Even Mitchell offered to help.

We just carried our handbags and other carry on bags with us and started boarding the plane. I sat down on the window seat and sighed with relaxation. Trevor finished storing away our luggage and we all said goodbye to him and he walked out of the plane. The stairway automatically folded itself in, closing the gap of the exit.

Mitch announced in the intercom for us to fasten our seatbelts and prepared for take off. When we finally left San Francisco, I pulled out my phone and checked the time.

10:20 am

We'll be in Miami after five hours and thirty minutes. I wanna start doing the time calculation again (a habit of mine) but I have no idea about the time difference between San Francisco and Miami. So I'll check again once we landed.

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