Chapter 25

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People were running out of the resort in a panic, everything was chaotic inside the lobby. Debris was littering the entire floor and I was shocked to see that one side of the building has a huge hole in the middle where I can see straight through outside. Before Jace and I could even move, there was another loud bang that came from outside and the whole resort shook and the lights went out. I grabbed onto jace's arm for support and when the shaking stopped, we ran towards the elevator. But unfortunately, it was not working.

"Let's take the stairs! Try calling Leah and Zara." Jace shouted at me because it was so noisy inside due to people's screams and yelling all at once.

Oh crap! My phone is not with me!

"What's wrong?" He asked me while in the middle of climbing the stairs.

"I left my phone in my room." He ran his fingers through his hair and I could tell he was getting frustrated.

"Okay let's just hurry up and see if they're in their rooms." I nod my head and then we continued running up the stairs, in a hurry to get to Leah and Zara's room on the sixth floor.

By the time we finally stumbled in through the door, I was almost out of breath. We jogged down the hallway till we reached their rooms. Jace didn't waste any time by knocking, he just kicked down Zara's door and went in. I on the other hand, opened Leah's room and ran in.

"Leah?" The room was empty. But suddenly, a strangled sob came from the corner of her bed and I quickly walked around the bed and sighed in relief when I found her sitting in the corner, crying.

"Leah!" I kneeled down beside her and pulled her to me. She started crying all over again making me realized that she's in shock. I pulled away and looked her in the eye while pushing her hair away from her face.

"Are you okay? What happened? Where are the others?" Jace appeared behind me and i heard him also sigh in relief when he saw Leah.

"I don't know what happened, I came back here a while ago and I heard g-gun shots. I don't know where they are." I inhaled deeply and then helped her up on her feet.

"Okay, grab your stuffs we're leaving." Jace quickly informed us while pushing the curtain aside and looking out the window.

"How?" I asked him. Leah left my side and started to pack her stuffs in a duffel bag she grabbed from her closet.

"The yacht. We get out of here and try to get to the beach as fast as we can." I slowly nod my head and quickly helped Leah pack her things.

I was surprised when Jace pulled out a gun from his back and put off the safety right before we left the room. The hallway was empty and we started to run down the stairs again.

"I need your phone Leah." Leah handed her phone to him and he started to call someone while running down ahead of us.

I couldn't really hear what he was saying due to our loud footsteps down the stairs but I knew that he was talking to one of the guys. He ended the call and passed the phone back to Leah.

"They're okay, they're hiding out at the tool shed near the beach so they'll meet us in the yacht." I frowned in concern.

"What? How are they gonna get there? Will they be alright?"

"They'll be fine Victoria, Alan and Steve are armed and Zara is safe with them." Okay, that's a relief.

When we reached downstairs, Jace slowly pushed open the door and poked his head out. He pulled back and closed the door again before leaning on it and checking his gun.

"There's two of them out there, I need both of you to stay quiet and follow me as fast as you can. If I start shooting, that's when I cover for you and you need to run outside as fast as possible and get to the jeep. Got it?" He whisper-yelled to us and we both nodded at the same time.

He turned back and opened the door, and started walking out while we followed. There were indeed two guys with guns roaming the lobby, and they seemed to be in a deep angry conversation. Jace kept his gun out pointing right at them while we tiptoed our way out. We safely managed to come out of the resort without getting caught and we quickly ran towards jace's jeep that was parked nearby.

"Oh my god!" Leah exclaimed. There was a dead body lying right below the jeep, bullet holes all over his chest and the sight of blood nearly made me throw up.

"Don't look and get in!" Jace ordered us, Leah gingerly stepped over the body and jumped in the backseat and I quickly did the same up front.

The minute Jace started the car, someone yelled from the resort's entryway and started shooting at us. Jace drove away from the resort so inhumanly fast while Leah and i ducked down in our seats. I can still hear bullets hitting the back of the car and when we're further away from the shooter, it finally stopped. Jace was speeding down the highway and I had to brace myself on the dashboard cos if he stepped on the brake without warning, I will be hitting my head on the windscreen despite the seatbelt strapped around me to prevent me from that accident. We finally reached the beach where the yacht is waiting, and we quickly jumped out of the car and started to walk down the beach.

"Get down!" I was knocked down on the ground and the gunshots starts again.
Jace started shooting at the three guys that came out of nowhere, shooting at us from a further distance.

Jace grabbed the two of us and we started to run down the beach where the yacht was waiting. I could make out the figures inside the yacht and i was glad when I saw that it Alan and Steve who was helping Jace to take down the bad guys. They helped us to get in the yacht and I turned back to look for Jace. He was running towards us while he kept shooting at the rest of the bad guys that had showed up as well. The yacht started to move yet Jace was not in yet. He stopped shooting and he starts running down the wooden bridge and jumped.

A gunshot went off somewhere but we were all busy trying to help Jace climb in to actually care. He sat down and leaned back on the wall, trying to catch his breath.

"We good?" He asked the guys with a raspy breath.

"Yeah, we're good. Everyone had managed to get to the safe house in the west. I already made sure of that before we left, the locals are safe too. The others, didn't make it." Alan replied and he continued staring back at the island.

"That's...... good." He replied back with force. I kneeled down in front of him and touched his shoulder, looking at him with concern.

"Jace, are you feeling okay?" The guys also looked down at him while frowning in worry as well.

He groaned loudly and that's when I finally noticed it.

Blood. Lots of it.

I gasped in shock and leaned towards his side and saw blood staining his shirt and dripping down on the floor.

"Shit! Steve help me get him up." Alan yelled before grabbing his arm while Steve grabbed the other and they helped him to stand.

His head was down and his eyes are drooping. We followed them inside and the guys took him to a room and told us to wait while they help him lie down on the bed.

"Don't worry, we've done this before. He'll be okay." Alan said before he closed the door.

I stiffly sat down on the couch and tried to calm myself down. What is gonna happen to him? Is he gonna be okay? God, I hope he's alright. My knees are shaking so hard that I have to put both my hands on them to try and stop them from shaking so badly. Leah and Zara sat down by my sides and they placed their arms around my shoulder.

"He's gonna be fine, tori." Zara said in reassurance. I glanced at her and forced out a smile.

"I hope so."

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