Chapter 7

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The next morning, I decided to wake up early so I can look for my swimsuits that I've packed for the trip, inside my suitcases. I didn't wanna do it by the time we're getting ready to go because it will take a lot of time for me to find them since I packed them in one of my suitcases, I just don't know which one cos I have two. And it doesn't really help when they're the same sizes and colours.

I was already going through the first suitcase, unloading everything inside and making a neat pile on the floor. Zara and Leah were still asleep but my rummaging must have woke Leah up since she's awake now and glaring at me through half open eyes.

"What time is it?" She asked with a groggy tone and I held back an urge to giggle.

"It's already past eight am. You mind ringing our breakfast up?" She nods.

"Sure. And what are you looking for?" I continued unpacking almost all my things.

"My bikinis and swimsuits, I know I packed them in here somewhere."

She got up from the bed and a phone started ringing from somewhere in the room making Zara groan in annoyance. It was Leah's. She answered the phone call and then mouth to me 'it's mom'. I nodded and watched her pulled back the glass double doors to the balcony and she walked out and starts talking to her mom on the phone.

I still couldn't find my swimsuits, so I started searching through my other suitcase and finally found them tucked right at the bottom. I placed all of them in the bed to decide which one to wear to the beach party today. After some thinking, I finally chose the dark purple bikini with a strapless top with blue flowers printed on one side. After that I started packing all my things again inside my suitcases.

Argh, the hassle!

Zara just got out of bed, went to the bathroom, came back with a fresh clean-wide-awake-face, and started braiding her hair into two long french braids. Leah came back in while still on the phone but this time, she's ordering our breakfast in.

"Alright breakfast will be here in a few minutes, ooh are you wearing that tori?" Leah said while pointing on the bikini on my bed.


"It will look great on you, the colour blends with your skin tone. I should start looking for mine too."

"Same." Zara piped up and than they started looking for their swimsuits in their suitcases.


We had our breakfast in a hurry and than we quickly got ready. Zara wore an emerald two piece swimsuit while Leah wore a light blue bikini top and paired it off with white booty shorts. I wrapped a thin white coverup around my waist and grabbed the bag that has all our suntan lotions, and other small items inside and gave it to Zara since she's not holding anything but her phone. I slipped on my sunglasses and my slippers and my cute mini backpack before we all left the room and made our way down to the parking lot.

We drove to Lummus park and along the ride, I felt this huge excitement jolting through my whole body and it's also starting to make me feel nauseous even though I don't know why. I drove in through the huge parking lot and we had a hard time looking for an empty space to park since the place was fully packed. After parking the car in an empty lot that's a bit further away from the beach's main entryway, we stepped out of the car and than started heading there.

There were people in the parking lot and it seems like they were having a mini party of their own, sitting on top of their cars and drinking while enjoying the loud music pumping from the huge music box that some guy has next to him. And one thing we all noticed that, they're all teenagers about our age.

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