Chapter 3

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" " = talking
* * = actions
' ' = thoughts
slant = others thoughts
A/N = authors note
Regular = narrative

(Y/N) and Kiyomizu are seen in the middle of the field which was surrounded by delinquents

'We have to find both leaders of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Both Sano and Kisaki. As long as we're slaves, we're never even gonna get the chance to see them, this is my opportunity'

Kiyomizu:You better not regret this

While (Y/N) was deep in his own thoughts he didn't pay attention to the fist nearing his gut


Kiyomizu lifted (Y/N) up into the air with the shear strength of his punch

'Shit, I might not have a chance at winning with how weak I am compared to him, but I sure as hell can try'

Delinquent3:What's wrong, (Y/N)? Don't tell me you were all talk!?

Kiyomizu brought another hit towards (Y/N)'s face and tried for another, but it was blocked. (Y/N) closed his hand into a fist, but left his middle finger just a little more open and punched Kiyomizu in his eye. Kiyomizu stumbled back a bit

Kiyomizu:Are you that weak that you need to use cheap tricks?

"Don't tell me you're gonna throw a sissy fit, you're delinquents aren't you?"

Kiyomizu:You little-

Kiyomizu took a swing to (Y/N)'s side, it connected, hitting (Y/N)'s ribs

Takemichi:Damnit! At this rate he's gonna get killed!

Akkun was thinking the same thing, you could tell from the look of despair that he had. If you looked closely you could see him fiddle with something in his pocket. After the hit to the ribs, (Y/N) was able to get a kick to Kiyomizu's knee, making him get down on his other knee. This gave (Y/N) the chance to kick him down, but this was a disadvantage. It gave Kiyomizu the chance to latch onto (Y/N)'s leg, and bring him down face first onto the ground. His nose didn't break, but the impact had enough force which caused his nose to start gushing out blood

Yamagishi:That's enough (Y/N)!

Takemichi:I could interfere, but I'd probably just get my ass kicked even more for disrupting a match

Makoto:Just tap out! You're gonna die!

Akkun started making his way down from where all the delinquents were. After Kiyomizu thought he won, he stood up and had a smirk of victory, what he didn't notice was that (Y/N) had stood back up. (Y/N) grabbed Kiyomizu's shoulder and slung him back. He planted a solid hit onto Kiyomizu's lower part of his mouth, breaking off a tooth

"The hell with that, I ain't givin' up"

This riled up all the delinquents who were now cheering for the fight to continue, (Y/N) himself wasn't doing to cut, his mouth was still bleeding. Followed by the lower part of his left eye, and his cheek. After a few more blows were traded, Kiyomizu was able to bring (Y/N) to the ground. Akkun was almost to the bottom of the "bleachers," when he took out the object from his pocket. It revealed a medium sized swiss knife


After (Y/N) stood back up, he knew that he would only get hurt more if he tried fighting back, so he latched onto Kiyomizu's torso in hope to at least try to waste time

Kiyomizu:Let go you damn freak!

Kiyomizu kicked (Y/N) away, they were both breathing heavily. Anyone might've thought that (Y/N) would just give up, granted the look on his face wasn't pleasant, but that "look" was soon replaced by a bloody shit-eating grin

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