Chapter 34

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" " = talking
* * = actions
' ' = thoughts
slant = others thoughts
A/N = authors note
Regular = narrative

(The JJK story will be started when I start writing the tenjiku arc)

"These Black Dragons think they got it all figured out. Watch yourself, Baji. You look like you just crawled to hell and back"

Baji:I might've. Birthmark's probably still in pain. The black-haired one's the one who gave us info on Taiju. If Taiju's at a disadvantage, he'll probably back off

"Yeah, I figured that out. Last time we teamed up was to get Kisaki, and we fought at least a hundred guys. What's another three? Hakkai, get your ass up. Baji looks like shit, so I'll need you to take on that coconut motherfucker, whatever you wanna call him"

Hakkai:I-I can't-

"I wasn't asking. That was an order, so get the fuck up. You've spent all this time trying to protect Yuzuha, haven't you? All you need to do is handle coconut, and I'll take on Taiju"

Hakkai hesitantly stands up and walks next to (Y/N)

Taiju:Don't tell're actually trying to stand against me!?

"Don't listen to the bastard. You're not fighting him"

Baji:Let's go!

Baji charges at Inui, while (Y/N) runs at Taiju. They stopped when Taiju laughed, and (Y/N) realized Hakkai just stood there


Taiju:(Y/N). Did you really expect something from my little brother? He wouldn't dare stand against me!!

Taiju whocked (Y/N) who wasn't paying attention to him which sent him flying towards a bench. Baji who was still in bad shape got a knee to the gut. Inui tried talking down on him, but his jaw was still twisted


Hakkai ran at Taiju with the knife Yuzuha had

'All the shit I'm trying to do to make him stop...and he still does this. Fuck my life'

Hakkai:I can...even I can! I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna kill you!

Hakkai stopped is rebellious act of murder when (Y/N) kicked the side of his leg as he was running, tripping him

"Don't you get it, Hakkai? Everything that we're doing is for you, and you pull shit like this. Is this really how you wanna fight back? I'll show you what it stand up for someone. To fight back"

(Y/N) once again stands in front Taiju

Taiju:Still haven't learned your lesson, you little shit?

"Haven't learned my lesson... You say that like it's a bad thing"

Taiju:This time, I'll go at 100%!

Taiju throws a straightforward punch at (Y/N) which he dodged to the side. (Y/N) grabbed Taiju's arm and chucked him onto a bench, which was really (Y/N) just dragging him. (Y/N) grabbed a chunk of broken bench the size of Mitsuya, and threw it at Taiju. Taiju tanked the hit and charged at (Y/N). He closelined him and proceeded to throw him up in the air. When (Y/N) neared the ground, Taiju grabbed his head mid-air and smashed it against the ground

'Shit. That hurt. But...I know what I have to do now'

(Y/N) knew that he had the power to take down Taiju, but Taiju was overwhelming him. Especially with Hakkai still trying to kill Taiju. Baji, while still on the floor, spoke

Baji:That's enough...(N/N). You did your best. It's not like when we were kids...we lost this one


(Y/N) stood back up. The back of his head had blood gushing out

"'re nothing more than a deadbeat brother who can't keep his shit together. I'm gonna kick your ass...and take control of the Black Dragons"

Everyone was shocked, especially Taiju. That shock soon turned into anger. He charged at (Y/N) who couldn't move too much because of blood loss. He bulldozed through him, sending him flying back


"Stay back!!"

Hakkai:Stop it, (Y/N). You can't change anything!!

(Y/N) stands back up, still being unable to move

'All this time I've had no one. The people who raised me are dead. The only ones I have left are my friends.... Okay. I'm sore as fuck, but I can still put my remaining energy into one final kick'

"You're wrong, Hakkai. You're the one who won't change"

(A/N:For anyone wondering why (Y/N) hasn't won yet, it's because I don't wanna make it boring and make (Y/N) one shot every single person. I wanna make things interesting)

(Y/N) starts walking towards Taiju, trying to make it seem like he was about to give out. Taiju didn't take any chances and punched (Y/N) away. (Y/N) was able to land a solid punch before he got sent flying. He stood back up one final time

Taiju:Why won't you just give up already!? You won't win!!

Taiju ate his words when he fell on his knees

"Even the smallest chance..."

Hakkai:(Y/N)...please...just stop, already

"...That I can change the future...then isn't it worth risking my life for? Hakkai...fighting isn't painful. What hurts more than loneliness.... Knowing that everyone you cared gone. You can talk to me about anything...Hakkai. We're friends...aren't we?"

Hakkai fell on his knees with tears streaming out of his eyes

Hakkai(N/N). me

"Leave it to me, Hakkai"

Koko:You kiddin' me? He made boss take a knee!

By this point, Yuzuha was waking up. She was shocked and excited when she saw Taiju was down

Mitsuya:Toman's Captains are just that badass

Baji:Holy shit

" wanted to protect Yuzuha, right?...Don't worry, I'll protect both of you"

Hakkai:You're wrong, (N/N). My...face doesn't have a single bruise on it, right?...Even though Yuzuha...Yuzuha's beaten and bloody. Back then, I swore...that I'd protect my family. I wanted to protect them...I wanted to... To protect Yuzuha. But...I didn't have the stand up to Taiju


Hakkai:Instead...I've been protected this whole time. I...lied to you. The one who protected me... My family...was Yuzuha this whole time

"...Yuzuha? mean you were always the one being protected? All of what you told me...was a lie?"

Hakkai:I...told you what Yuzuha had done for me, but made it sound like I'd been doing it for her

Baji:...That's...really shitty of you


Yuzuha:That's enough...Hakkai!

Koko:Hey, young master. It's bad enough a girl took hits for ya. But lying about protecting her? Now that's low

Yuzuha:It's none of your business!! It's something I decided. None of this is Hakkai's fault!!

Hakkai:Forgive me, (N/N). This all happened because of me. You all got dragged into this because I lied about it, when I was actually just so scared if Taiju that stabbing him was all I could do. All so I could run from my own weakness

"...Hakkai. You're a real rotten asshole. You know that? But...don't think you're the only rotten asshole. Calling you that makes me a hypocrite. I used helping people as an excuse to take others down for my own amusement. Truth is, we're all weak, that's why we have family"

(Y/N) spits out some blood that was lingering in his mouth

"We won't abandon you...over a lie like that. That's what Toman's about. So stop bawling and watch, Hakkai. I'll show you what Toman is capable of"

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