Chapter 26

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" " = talking
* * = actions
' ' = thoughts
slant = others thoughts
A/N = authors note
Regular = narrative

(Y/N) opened his eyes. The first thing he saw, was a group of people with coats in front of him

"Huh.... Oh well"

He turns around and starts walking away. From a distance, 2 people were watching. One of the guys with the coats spoke up

Guy:Hey, where the hell do you think you're going, bastard? Don't you know who we are?

(Y/N) just scratches the back of his head in confusion

"Uh... I'm gonna go look for the amount of fucks I give?"

Guy:We're members of the Bla-!

The guy didn't finish speaking as (Y/N) reeled his leg back and kicked the guy in the chin. The guy fell back on his ass, and started holding on to the bottom part of his jaw. The 2 people that were watching from a distance, were shocked

"Get a grip. It's just a couple of teeth. Walk it off, pussy"

At least 3 more people surrounded him

'What I bunch of jackasses. I got shit to do'

One of them tries kicking the back of (Y/N)'s knee. (Y/N) lifts his leg fowards, and kicks back. The member had his jewels crushed

'Ooooooh shit, gonna be feeling that for the rest of his life. He should be glad I barely tried'

The other 2 members tried attacking him at once. One reeled his fist back, and tried punching him. (Y/N) threw his head back, and the hit ended up hitting the other member, making him stumble to the floor. The one who threw the punch had little time to react when (Y/N) grabbed the back of his head, and smashed it down on the ground. The other people high-tailed out of there

Guy:This is our turf. We'll be back!!

"Buncha assholes. My turf now, bitch"

??:Hey, man. That was totally awesome!

Another guy shows up behind (Y/N), and wraps him arm around his neck. He was a considerably tall guy

"Wanna test your luck, too?"

(Y/N) looks back at the guy, and can't help but think he looks familiar

'I've seen this guy before'

??:Woah woah, calm down. I thought I'd seen you somewhere before, just came to check.

The guy takes a closer look at (Y/N)'s face. It was up until now that (Y/N) saw a female standing behind the guy

??:You're (Y/N) (L/N)!

"Yup....who are you exactly?"

??:Aw, c'mon. Being Captain hasn't gone to your head, has it? I'm the Second Division Vice-Captain. Hakkai Shiba

"Oh, right. Haha"

'That's one of the Black Dragons. He was there when Kisaki killed Chifuyu'

Yuzuha:Let's go, already

Hakkai:Shut it!! I'm talking to my new buddy, here. My Captain told me a lot about you

'Why's a Black Dragon...a part of Toman?'

Hakkai:Well, c'mon!

"...Where to?"

Hakkai:We're bros from now on! (N/N). Come over to my place!

'This could get me closer to figuring put why he's in Toman'


Yuzuha:If you two are "bros" now. Then I get to be an older sister to both of you

"You two're related?"

Yuzuha:Yes. Now buy me some juice, since you're my little bro now

"No offense, but you hardly look any older than me. So why should I listen to you?"

Yuzuha:...Buy me ju-


Yuzuha pouts and looks away

'Unfortunately for you, that doesn't work on me'

(Y/N) kept walking, much to Yuzuha's dismay

'Hakkai doesn't seem like too bad of a guy. Right now, he's Toman's Second Division Vice-Captain. What happened in those twelve years?'

"You're the Vice-Captain in Mitsuya's Division. You two get along well?"

Hakkai:Really well, unfortunately...

Yuzuha:Mitsuya's like an older bro to Hakkai

Hakkai:Taka-chan's...a total pain in my ass. He drilled into me how cool and uncool delinquents can be. Annoying, right? That guy...he's like a real older brother to me

Yuzuha:He likes Mitsuya way too much. Check out his cell phone

Yuzuha pulls a phone out of her pocket, and turns it on. Revealing a picture of Mitsuya's face

Hakkai:Yuzuha! When'd you get that!?

Yuzuha:Mitsuya's on his standby screen

Yuzuha pulls out another phone, and turns it on. Revealing a picture of Hakkai's face

Yuzuha:Even though mine is a picture of Hakkai!

'That's even worse!! These people are bad news. Why are they so obsessed!?'

Hakkai:We're almost to my house!

They suddenly stop when they see a large crowd of people wearing the same coat with the initials BD on the back, are seen standing by Hakkai and Yuzuha's apartment. The coat was the same one the people who (Y/N) fought were wearing

Yuzuha:Hakkai...we're in trouble. Bro's comin' back home

'BD?...Black Dragons...shit.'

Hakkai:(L/N)...sorry, man. Four people was easy for you, a whole gang will wipe you out. You'd better go on home

Suddenly, all the members get in 2 rows. 1 person emerges from the middle, this was no other than Hajime Kokonoi

Koko:Well, well, well. If it isn't our young master, Hakkai!!


Koko:Huh? Who the hell's this jerk?

'This guy looks weak. Nice earring, though'

Member:I've seen him before. He's Toman's First Division Captain. (L/N)

'Fucking snitch. Now I won't be able to surprisingly kick his ass'

Koko:There's a Toman fucker...on our turf!? You tryin' to fuck with us!?!?

Both of the rows combine. Creating a barrier of Black Dragons in front of (Y/N)

Koko:You're not leaving our turf in one piece, asshole

'These shitheads really think I have time to deal with small fry like them? What a pain'

Koko:You gonna cry and go back to mommy?

Just like before, (Y/N) looked right at Koko, and grinned

"You air headed fucks don't scare me. A whole gang to deal with little ol' me? How...dull"

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