Chapter 53

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" " = talking
* * = actions
' ' = thoughts
slant = others thoughts
A/N = authors note
Regular = narrative

Mikey and Senju were seen at an amusement park

Mikey:I thought it was gonna be something serious. You just wanted to come to the amusement park?

Senju:Yep! Been wanting to come here for a while. I told Takeomi to bring me, but he said I needed to "socialize". Whatever that means. But c'mon!! Let's go!


Mikey and Senju were on a roller coaster going up the rails. As they were going up, Senju started to speak

Senju:The war of the three deities begins on the 14th of July. You and Draken will handle Sekai Seifuku. Takeomi and I'll take on Rokuhara. In fact, I can handle this all by myself


Senju:Once (N/N) and South are defeated, I wanna be number 1! (A/N:Stick to dreaming kid👁👄👁) Brahman's gonna get bigger! Takeomi's changed, it's not about making Brahman the "strongest" anymore, rather, it's to make it bigger

Mikey:Isn't the gang big enough...?

Senju:No, not yet at least. When the gang gets bigger, more people will get involved. There will be unsatisfiable people. That's why before growing bigger, we settle the scores between the three deities first!

The ride finally finishes and Mikey and Senju get off. Senju immediately points to a small table

Senju:Mikey, look!! It's a tanzaku!

(Tanzaku:paper cut into strips, or thin slices of wood. Mostly it is used to write words on, or attached to various things as a sign or marking)

Senju:Let's take a look! We can make wishes!!

Senju and Mikey run down to the table and each get their strip of paper. After a while Senju looks over at Mikey

Senju:What'd you write?

Mikey moves to the side so Senju can see. On the small strip was written "I will bring back (N/N)! -Sano Manjiro"

Senju:Haha! What a boring wish!

Mikey:Ha? I'm writing my goals here!

Senju:Okay then, mine will be...

Senju scribbles down something on the strip and shows it to Mikey


The strip read "I will protect Manjiro!!". A small blush formed on Mikey's face as he finished reading

Mikey:Oh, uh.. Thanks

Senju:Y'know, I've never done anything like this before... Can we be friends...?

Mikey:...Yeah, sure! Well in that case, if anything happens to you, I'll definitely protect you as well!

Senju:Dummy. I don't need you to promise me that. I can protect myself

Mikey:Haha! You're not wrong

Senju:But....I appreciate it

Senju holds her hand out for Mikey to shake, when he does, he gets the same vision of Senju injured. He notices that she's also wearing the uniform and they're at the amusement park

Senju:What's wrong, Mikey?

Mikey:Ah n-nothing

As Mikey said that, rain started to fall upon them

Senju:It's raining...


Draken was on the motorcycle shop fixing up a bike, when Inui drove by


Draken:What's up, Inupi?

Inui:I got bad news! Those guys from Rokuhara are heading to Mikey was we speak!


Senju:Oh shit- It's pouring!

Mikey stands there thinking about what the future beholds

Senju:Mikey! What're you waiting for!?


Mikey and Senju were in a small outside restaurant with a roof over them. They ordered food and stayed for a bit

Senju:Hm? What's up, Mikey? You didn't even touch your food


Senju:I'm gonna use the restroom for a bit


Senju leaves on search of a restroom while Mikey stays in his thoughts(A/N:Flashback to like chapter 3 where (Y/N) got his ass beat for thinking too much and most of you were pressed👁👄👁)

Mikey:If that's really a vision of the future....then Senju's gonna die today. Who's gonna attack her? What can I even do?...Damn! I got too lost in my thoughts! Senju the restroom, right...? I should've kept an eye out. Senju!!

Mikey sees a sign with a male and female imprinted on it

Mikey:There it is!

Before Mikey could do anything else, he heard sets of footsteps behind him, when he turned around, he saw 4 guys wearing hoods and masks. Behind them was South


South:About time I found you, you rat

Before Mikey could react, South pulled out a gun

South:Don't worry, I'll make it quick


Mikey looked to his left and saw Senju running towards him

Mikey:Senju!! I can't make it to South on time. He'll shoot me!! Stay back!!

South:Don't move, Mikey!!


Mikey runs towards Senju and throws himself in front of her, shielding her. 3 shots when off as Mikey threw himself and Senju to the ground

South:Haha!! What a dumbass!! Died trying to protect his girlfriend!!

South's hopes and dreams shattered when he saw Mikey get up

South:How did I miss!?

Before South could take another shot, he took a hit to the back of the head and his back, making him drop the gun. When he looked forward, he was met with 2 people

Draken:You good, Mikey?

Baji:Who the hell's this bastard?

Mikey:Ken-chin!? Baji!?

Before anything else could happen, a new set of footsteps was heard behind South and his goons. It seemed to have gathered everyone's attention as they all turned. They all saw a set of familiar faces

" seems my instincts were right this time"

South:You bastard!! What the hell're you doing here!?

"Oh, I think I should've been clearer. Enlighten this fridge, Koko"

Koko:We're here to kill you, asshole

(A/N:Next chapter updated😩😩Yuzuha x (Y/N) is still a work in progress as I can't figure out wtf to do. But (Y/N) finally made his appearance after over a year. That's all for now, see ya next chapter)

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