Chapter 7

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" " = talking
* * = actions
' ' = thoughts
slant = others thoughts
A/N = authors note
Regular = narrative

Manjiro:You brought all these people just to ambush some mid-schoolers? You're just as shitty as I imagined, Osanai-kun

Osanai:Huh!? Can't hear ya. You're too shrimpy!

'Just like he imagined? This guy is nothing like was in the future! It's a complete 180'

Osanai's attention was suddenly turned to (Y/N)

Osanai:Hey. The fuck do you think you're starin' at, punk?

Osanai threw a punch at (Y/N), which he dodged

Osanai:You were looking down on me, weren't you?

"That's a possibility, yes"

Osanai:You know, I hate that look more than anything else

As Osanai threw another punch, Pah locked arms with him

Pah:Your fight's with me, asshole

"Don't Pah-chin"

Pah:Stay outta this

Peh:Pah-chin ain't weak, (Y/N). He's one of Toman's best fighters. He's the kinda guy who takes on entire teams solo and kicks their asses. No way he's gonna lose to a shit stain like Osanai

'That's not the problem here, if this fight happens....Akkun, Draken, and Hinata. I gotta stop this, but what the hell can I even do in a situation like this'

Manjiro:(N/N), sit back and watch. This is Pah's fight

Pah charges towards Osanai, which resulted in a couple of hits to the face

Osanai:Haha, what's wrong?

Pah:Bastard, so you do a little boxing, huh?

Osanai landed another punch to Pah's face, which resulted in the sound of a crunch

Peh:Oh shit! He took that full-on!

Pah:That punch couldn't even kill an ant!

'Damnit, he's losing it'

Peh:No way...after one good hit...!? Osanai's a beast

Peh started running towards the fight


Manjiro:Peh!! I said to sit back and watch, didn't I?


'He must have a plan if he's saying some delusional shit like this'

Osanai lands a couple more hits on Pah

'He's gonna kill him!'

Osanai landed one more hit, which left Pah unconcious

Osanai:Hey! He just passed out standing up!

Pah falls backward, but he was caught by Mikey

Pah:Sorry...Mikey, I'm such a pussy

Manjiro:What're you saying?


Manjiro:Listen, you haven't lost yet

The members of Moebius start throwing insults while Mikey just ignores them and walks up to Osanai

Osanai:Oh? You want some too, Mikey? You'll be dead in ten sec-

Osanai was interrupted by Mikey sending an atomic kick to his head, dropping him in the ground, knocking him out

Manjiro:Anyone who thinks Pah-chin lost...step forward. So I can kill you. Toman belongs to me, anyone who's behind me...will never lose......Sorry Ken-chin, I couldn't help it

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