Bonus Chapter: Senju

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" " = talking
* * = actions
' ' = thoughts
slant = others thoughts
A/N = authors note
Regular = narrative

Credit to KarinaDuarte9 for this idea😩

Ah man, Summer. The hottest time of the year. The main protagonist, (Y/N), was laying on his bed, contemplating life

"I wonder what language deaf people think in"

His thought was soon interrupted by a knock a the door

'Do I wanna answer..?'

Another knock was heard

'Yeah, maybe it's someone bringing me food'

He quickly gets up before the knocking is heard again

"Calm the fuck down! I'm going!"

He rushes to the door and opens it. He is met with the sight of Sanzu, a tall guy with a scar on his right eye, and a short girl with long hair


Sanzu:You're (Y/N), right?

"No, I'm the fucking president. What do you want?"

Akashi:We need your help

"I'm not your servant, piss off"

(Y/N) tried closing the door, but right when it was about to close, it stopped

"The fuck?"

He opened it and slammed it, but it was stopped again. Before he could slam it again, he saw the tall guys' arm in the way

".....You gonna move your arm? Or do I have to slam the door again?"

Sanzu:We need you to go on a date

"What? No, why?"

Sanzu nudges the short girl who was daydreaming

"The hell's your name? And what do you want?"

??:My name's Senju, and I need a date

"O k. Why do you need a date? And why with me?"

Senju:If you want an answer, you have to agree first

"Let's say I were to agree, what am I getting from it? And what kinda date?"

Sanzu:Nothing fancy, but Akashi and I can't go to protect her, and you've fought some pretty strong people before

"So what, like a carnival or something?"

Sanzu:Sure, something like that

".....And does this date NEED to happen?"

Sanzu:Her friends invited her, and she didn't wanna be left out. So she said she would go, problem is, all her friends have dates, she doesn't

"Got money?"

Sanzu pulls out a wad of cash from his pocket. Before he could hand it to Senju, (Y/N) yanked it from his hands. He counted it before taking out half and stuffing it in his pocket

Sanzu:The hell're you doing with that money?

"I'm going on a last minute date, least thing you could do is give me lunch money asshole. Wait here, I'm gonna go change"

(Y/N) leaves for a few minutes before coming back in (whatever the hell you would wear for a carnival date. Idfk. I'm single asf)

"This good enough?"

Akashi:As long as you don't look like a bum, you're good

"Sure, whatever"


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