Chapter 50

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" " = talking
* * = actions
' ' = thoughts
slant = others thoughts
A/N = authors note
Regular = narrative

Sano:Quick! Grab onto my hand!!

".......This is pointless and stupid. I tried to kill you, yet, here you are. Trying to save me"

Sano:There's not much time left. I'm losing consciousness

"...Let go of my hand, Sano. I just want everything to end"

Sano:Come on... You'll regret saying that. Quick. I'll you

"How, Mikey!? You're dying. You can't pull me up. You can't travel to the past. This is why I didn't wanna meet you. Please....put me in peace. I thought killing you was my way out...yet...I'm still not happy"

Sano:Shut up!!! Why are you like this!? Oi, (Y/N)!! Just say it once! Just say "please help me", damn it!! And I'll definitely come to save you!

"You know....sometimes you come across a road in life. That's when you realize....some people are just too far gone. It's been fun, Sano. But all God things must come to an end. Thank you, Mikey. Goodbye"

And so Mikey lost the strength in his arms. He was able to clasp (Y/N)'s hand before he fell. What happened next...weirded him out. It was like he couldn't see. A bright light

??:Wake up! At least show up for attendance if you're gonna skip!

Sano sits up and realizes he was on his bed. On the far end of his room was Emma. A much younger Emma.

Emma:You're in high school already!

Sano:.....What?... What happened?

Emma:Hurry! We're gonna be late!

Emma throws some clothes at Mikey which he quickly put on. After putting on his clothes, he immediately took off

Sano:What happened? Did I.....time travel!? No, no. That's impossible!

Emma leads Mikey to the school they were currently attending

Sano:I'm in high school again!?

Mikey was brought out of his thoughts when someone wrapped an arm around his neck. The guy looked familiar, but looked different

??:Yo!! Mikey! Have you studied for the final exams? Man, the moment I sat on the chair I felt sleepy

A girl soon appeared. She looked older, but was still the same person

Yuzuha:You could at least try to pay attention, Hakkai

Sano:This guy's Hakkai!? Is my life....flashing before my eyes? It has to be! I'm supposed to be dead! I-I have to tell someone about this! Have you guys seen Ken-chin?

Hakkai:Nah. Last I heard he was pretty busy

Sano:Okay, um. What about Baji?

Hakkai:I saw him in the history room

Mikey immediately took off to find Baji. It wasn't long before he did


Baji:Oh. Hey, Mikey... Surprised you showed up to school. What's up?

Sano:I-I don't know what's happening. One minute I was trying to save (N/N), and now I'm here! In high school!

Baji:Wait, so you're like....from the future!?

Sano:(N/N). I said I would save hi- Wait! Why aren't you surprised!?

Baji:....Mikey. What I'm about to tell you. You can't tell to anyone

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