Chapter 45

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" " = talking
* * = actions
' ' = thoughts
slant = others thoughts
A/N = authors note
Regular = narrative

While Emma was coming back with her drink, in the distance, the rumbling of a bike engine was heard. As it got closer, (Y/N) realized there were 2 people on the bike, one of them holding a baseball bat. He looked at the helmet, and realized who it was


(Y/N) realized the bike was headed for Emma, so he sprinted towards her. Right before the bat bashed against her head, (Y/N) wrapped his arm around her waist and flipped her out of the way, taking the hit. It didn't take long for Emma to realize what had happened


Blood was gushing out of (Y/N)'s head. At the end of the street, the bike stopped. Kisaki looked back one final time

Kisaki:Tsk! Stupid bastard got in the way!

Hanma:Should I drive back?

Kisaki was shocked when he realized that his hit did nothing. Although (Y/N) struggled to get back up, one final push brought him up

Kisaki:Let's just go. The moron won't last long

Kisaki was right as (Y/N) stumbled a little before falling on his knees


Emma tried calling out to Mikey, but stopped when she heard (Y/N) chuckle

"Man....I survived a stab wound...but I couldn't take one more hit to the head... How...weak"

Those were (Y/N)'s final words before he fell forward, unconscious. Mikey soon walked out of the graveyard


Emma:A bike came a-and I-I'm sorry, Mikey

Emma now had tears straining out of her eyes. Izana saw all of this with shock and some anger on his face. Emma was still alive. He walked away as he had no more reason to stick around

Sano:Inui! Bring him to me

Inui brought (Y/N) to Mikey who carried him on his back. It was pretty awkward considering how short Mikey was, but that was the least of their problems. Inui went his own way as Mikey and Emma started heading to the hospital. After a half hour or so, (Y/N) regained consciousness



".....I feel like shit"

Sano:...Do you remember what happened?

"There was a bike.... It was...Kisaki. Mikey....if anything happens to me"

Sano:You'll be fine

"Find Baji...he'll tell you everything. And tell Yuzuha....that I'm sorry"

Sano:........Yuzuha.... She really likes you, you know? I promised Hakkai not to tell anyone, but it's true. He told me that she stutters over her words whenever he mentions please, (N/N).... Don't leave me....not again

"It won't be long, Mikey... We'll meet again.....we just don't know when"

Those were (Y/N)'s final words before his arms lost all strength, and went numb


Mikey's walking soon turned into running. It wasn't long before they reached the hospital where (Y/N)'s body was quickly taken away


Emma and Mikey were outside the room, devastated. Outside the room where (Y/N) was pronounced dead. It wouldn't be long before the nurses disconnected everything, but Mikey still had a glint of hope. Hope that his best friend would come back. While this was all happening, (Y/N) was experiencing something he hadn't experienced before. He was currently sitting on a bench at a park. He saw a group of children hurting a cat, and a girl with a will to save it. The girl soon started crying as she was being bullied by the group of children, however, this wasn't what interested (Y/N). Behind a wall, a boy was also watching to event happen. He was a timid small boy, so (Y/N) decided to approach him

"Hey. What're you looking at, kid?"

Child:Oh, that's my friend. I told her not to go, but she wouldn't listen

"Well, why don't you help her?"

Child:Yeah right. Those are big kids, they'd hit me

"....Say, I never got your name"

Child:The girl's my friend, Tachibana. I'm Kisaki. What abo-

The young child who was now identified as Kisaki, didn't finish speaking as (Y/N) bashed his head against the wall

"You don't deserve to live, you parasite"

After this happened, (Y/N) heard a loud booming voice over him

??:I see. It seems I was wrong about you

"You got a problem with me killing a kid?"

??:I didn't think you'd go that far as to do it

"I promised that I'd kill Kisaki, didn't I?"

??:Yes, it appears so. You truly...are worthy

"Of what?"

??:...Another chance

That was the final thing (Y/N) heard as everything around him started turning blurry. Meanwhile, in the real world, the heart monitor started beeping again, signaling that he was still alive. By now, Mikey had decided to leave. He turned his sadness into anger. Anger towards Kisaki. He left to the Shrine to lead the Tokyo Manji Gang to its last victory, leaving Emma at the hospital. She was surprised when she saw (Y/N) walk out of his room wearing his bloody Toman uniform


"Emma...did Mikey take his bike?"

Emma:....N-No. He left walking to the Shrine. His motorcycle's still at the graveyard

'Shit. I have to get over there, quick'

Emma:B-But I have his keys

Emma takes out the keys from her pocket which (Y/N) takes

Emma:Wait..... You're not thinking of going, are you? You can't!

(Y/N) ignored Emma and ran out of the hospital. After another half hour, he made it to the graveyard. He spotted Mikey's CB250T and made his way to it

"Well...this is it. The final battle"

(Y/N) inserted the key into the ignition and started the bike, soon driving away to the port for Kisaki's final stand

(A/N:This chapter was a little on the shorter side becauuuuusssssseeeeeeeee.....yes)

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