Chapter 39

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" " = talking
* * = actions
' ' = thoughts
slant = others thoughts
A/N = authors note
Regular = narrative

Year 2006. Baji was walking through the rainy streets on his way to (Y/N)'s house. He stopped when he saw someone punching and kicking a tire that was hung up on a playground

Baji:The hell's this guy doing? Hey, you! What're you doing?

The guy turns around, revealing (Y/N)

"Baji. I should be asking you the same thing"

Baji:I was gonna visit you, but I saw a weirdo fighting a wheel

"Kinda busy right now"

Baji:The hell're you talking about?

"I'm training! I have to figure out why I left. And make sure the future doesn't come out as shitty as it did last time"

Baji:....Wait. You're (Y/N) of the future!?


Baji:So...everyone's dead?


Baji:And Mikey killed them....or us?


Baji:So you went to the Philippines and killed Mikey?

"Mhm. That about sums it up"

Baji:So...why're you hitting a tire?

"....Not sure. Just had an urge to. Point is, future me left Toman. Not sure why, and I don't think I ever will"

By this point, Baji and (Y/N) were just talking in the rain

Baji:Man, what a fucked up future. But, to be honest, it makes me happy


Baji:I mean, we were able to meet again. Didn't think that'd happen

"...Yeah. I guess so"

Baji:So, we'll beat Mikey

"The hell're you saying? You'll get killed, you know?"

Baji:Yeah. I'll be killed, right?

(Y/N) looks at Baji with an unimpressed look

"I came back to save you, and you don't care about dying?"

Baji:It sucks not being able to do anything against my death. Mikey's a powerhouse, really the only people who would stand a chance would be you and me. Maybe Draken, too. But, when Mikey asked what I wanted the gang to be set up on, I told him I wanted it to be "all for one and one for all." We can't confront him, but maybe Toman can

"Mikey...changed. He was a lot different"

Baji:Yeah. I know that

"But, that's not true. We've been with Mikey for a long time..."


"I've made up my mind, Baji. Until I become Toman's number one, I won't go back to the future. my last revenge"

(Welp, the Tenjiku arc has officially started. You know what that means, the JJK story will begin progression😀)


Takuya:Hold up guys, I need to go to the restroom

Akkun:Ah, yeah. I need to go pee, too


Makoto:We'll wait here!

Once they leave, Makoto and Yamagishi just start talking. They were interrupted when a guy bumped Yamagishi's shoulder

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