Chapter 55

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" " = talking
* * = actions
' ' = thoughts
slant = others thoughts
A/N = authors note
Regular = narrative

As Mikey stood there in shock, he scanned over all of the members. However, there was one thing very different about them. None of them were wearing the same uniforms (Y/N) was wearing. Why? Color coordination...? No, that couldn't be it. So why?

"Man, isn't this just awesome? Not only do you get to see the newest deities first-hand, you also get to see how strong I've made them!"

As (Y/N) was speaking, South slowly started getting up, an aura almost visibly surrounding him. He was mad, and the first person in his sight was (Y/N)

South:I'll kill you, bastard!!

'When the hell did this fucking fridge get up?'

South immediately charged at (Y/N)

'I don't have time for this shit'

(Y/N) reached behind his pocket and pulled out a knife. As South took a swing, (Y/N) weaved under and brought the knife to South's throat. Before South could speak, the knife slid across. Blood sprinkling all over (Y/N)'s uniform and the street. As South's body hit the ground, everyone watched in despair. Especially Mikey

Mikey:(Y/N).....why..? Why would you do that...?

Mikey's consciousness felt as if it was fading

Mikey:He didn't need to die. (Y/N) why did you kill him?

Just like that, Mikey's vision went dark. (Y/N) looked into his eyes and saw nothing. He didn't see sadness. He didn't see fear. He saw nothing. Complete emptiness. This was beginning to get exciting. But (Y/N) didn't have time to fight now. Mikey was still too weak. As Mikey blindnessly charged at (Y/N), an incoming fist knocked him back. Blood trickling down his nose

Mikey:I never thought I'd see you again, Hanma

"What a fluke. Hanma's the weakest one here and he threw up back. You really have gotten weaker, Mikey"

As Mikey stood back up, (Y/N) signaled Hanma to get back. As unwilling as he was, he went back to where he was originally standing, next to the other 2 deities

"Now tell me, Mikey. How do you wanna die?"

Before Mikey could charge again, (Y/N) raised his foot and slammed it forward against Mikey's face. As (Y/N)'s foot was raising for his next move, Senju interfered....with her words


(Y/N) turned towards Senju and lowered his foot

'The hell does this runt want?'

Senju:Leave Mikey alone!!


Senju:I said leave him alone!! He has nothing to do with our battle!

"...Our...battle? Tell me, kid. When did this turn into a battle? Far as I know, this is a massacre. Most of your guys are down, Rokuhara is down. What kind of battles do you fight, huh?"

Senju:I swore that I'd protect him. So get away from him! Don't you feel the same way for someone you care about!? Don't you care about their well-being!?

As Senju said that, one certain person came to his mind. But that didn't matter now, there's no way she'd still feel the same way

Senju:Just please....leave him alone. I'll do anything! I'll join Sekai Seifuku! I'll help you take over Japan! Just...please. Leave Mikey outta this

"You know, I never really expected this out of someone like you. I would understood Draken, maybe even Baji, but you...? Tell me, what makes you such an important person to Mikey? How do you know if he even cares about you?"

Senju:Nothing, absolutely nothing. But that doesn't matter. He's important to me, and that's all that matters

"You're a persistent little shit, ain't ya?"

(Y/N) started to walk away, he was gonna leave. That was his plan. He had ruined their lives enough, there was nothing else do achieve. If they looked for him, he'd kill them. It's simple. That was his initial thought, atleast

Senju:Thank you

".....Thank you...? For what?"

Senju:For letting us go

"....Let you go?"

(Y/N) walked back towards Senju and crouched down to reach her level (A/N: she was checking on Mikey, so she was on da floorrrrr)

"Who decided that?"

Before (Y/N) could try anything, Akashi interfered. The other 2, that is

Sanzu:Get the hell away from my sister, you bastard

"Hah? Who the hell are you to speak to me like that?"

Sanzu:I don't care what you do to me, but get away-!

Sanzu wasn't able to finish his sentence as two giant fists slammed down on him. He fell on the floor, unconscious


Akashi ran towards Sanzu to check on him. He may have been on the opposing gang, but he was still his little brother. Before Akashi could reach him, he looked up at the brute in front of him. His long wavy hair flying with the breeze. His long coat open, revealing his bare chest and tattoos

Akashi:What the hell did you do, you bastard!!

"Stop being a dumbass, don't go around hitting people because you feel like it. I'll kill you"

The deity went back to his place next to Hanma and the last deity

Akashi:Please, just leave my family alone

(Y/N) looked at Akashi unamused. Why the hell was this oldie disrupting his fun? Everything was tense, until Senju broke the silence

Senju:I'll disaband Brahman! Just leave us alone, please

"Well....that took a turn"

By now, Mikey was up. His intent to kill (Y/N) gone, but he was still so full of hatred

Mikey:Why the hell are you doing this!? What did they do to you!?

"Oh, Mikey. Still the naive little shit you used to be. Don't you get it? You're involved with them, you're my enemy. That's enough reasoning to go after all of your heads. Isn't that just amazing!?"

In the distance, sirens were heard

"Well, it seems the fun time is up. We'll get going now"

Koko:Boss, aren't you taking Rokuhara?

"Those dumbasses? What the hell do I want them for?"

Mikey:....Those uniforms... Why are they different from yours?

"Well, Mikey. I honestly didn't expect you to wanna play twenty one questions right now. I'll enlighten you"

(Y/N) stood in front of the horde of bikes. A whole new gang standing behind him

"This, is just the beginning of the New Era. Brahman is no more, and Rokuhara is useless without a leader. I welcome you, the Three newest Deities. Shuji Hanma, Taiju Shiba-"


"And Izana Kurokawa. Hell of a team, ain't it?"

Mikey:It doesn't matter who's in your team, I'll take you all down myself! I don't need to get anyone else involved!! I, Sano Manjiro, will defeat Sekai Seifuku!!

"Sekai Seifuku...? Mikey, Sekai Seifuku no longer exists"


"Welcome the New Era of Delinquents. We're the Tokyo Revengers, asshole. And we'll rule all of Japan once again!"

A certain chapter everyone has been waiting for will be updated soon👁👁 I updated this in class🚶‍♀️

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