Chapter 22

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" " = talking
* * = actions
' ' = thoughts
slant = others thoughts
A/N = authors note
Regular = narrative

(Y/N) was seen waiting outside of a school, waiting for someone to be exact. Most of the people were already leaving

"So, this is Mitsuya's school. For someone who called me out here, he sure is taking his sweet ass time"

(Y/N) sat against a parking rack while he waited

??:Hey, (N/N)!!

"That voice, I can recognize that squeaky voice a mile away"

(Y/N) turns around and sees Peh wearing a....unique looking shirt

"Peh-yan, didn't know you attended school with Mitsuya"

Peh:Yeah, c'mon. Mitsuya's got his hands full right now, so I came to get you instead

Peh and (Y/N) walks into the school. A lot of the students intimidated by one of the schools' delinquents, more by the fact he wasn't totally talking down the person with him

Peh:I mean, he is our captain

Peh and (Y/N) soon get to a room with a sign with the words "Home Ec" on it

Peh:Here it is!

"The home ec room?"

Peh:I just can't stand that girl

"That girl?"


The door swings open, revealing a short girl

Girl:Hold it, Hayashi-kun!!


Girl:Are you here to cheat the club leader out of his time again!? He's busy now, y'know!?

Peh:No! I was just...

Girl:What's with that dumb shirt, anyway!? Don't you know your stupid outfits always make the teachers suspicious of you!?

Mitsuya:What's goin' on?

Girl:Leader!! It's Hayashi-kun again!!

Mitsuya looks behind the door and sees Peh, accompanied by (Y/N) who's just looking around

Mitsuya:Hey, (N/N). Chill out, Yasuda-san. I asked Peh-yan to do something for me

Yasuda, who (Y/N) learned was the girl's name, responded

Yasuda:You're the only delinquent I don't hate, leader!


Mitsuya:(N/N). Come on in

Mitsuya goes back to leading his group of people. Each one asking him if he could look at something for them, or asking for suggestions. But, Mitsuya looked happy

Mitsuya:Hold on, (N/N). I'll be ready in a sec

"Take your time"

'He's in a gang, but handles his school life just as well.... I wish I could do that, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be held back again. I haven't gone to school in a while'

"What'll be ready? He makin' something?"

Peh:Your gang uniform. Better appreciate it, Mitsuya's been personally working on it. You're the first, other than the founding members. Right, Mitsuya?

Mitsuya:For us, our most formal our gang uniforms. This is my way of showing thanks, (N/N). You took the hit for Draken on the Battle of 8/3, and you saved Baji. So, I wanted to make damn sure...that I'd be the one to make your uniform

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