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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧

" YEAH, I know Hermione! But I can't calm down until we find out goddamn friend!" Ron howled at Hermione, while Harry pressed himself as tightly as possible against his seat.

"We need to be calm and collected to even try to find her! Panic won't do us any good!" Hermione shouted back at Ron. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes as she did so. Taking a deep breath and slowly letting the air escape her lungs again.

"Mh, her parents? I know that her mother is dead. But are we sure that her father is?" Harry said slowly and a bit scared. Scared of landing in the middle of the fight between his best friends. Harry didn't quite understand the worry, as both Fred and George were perfectly fine. If they were fine had Alex yet to be hurt. He knew that they were hiding something. However he didn't have the balls or the energy to bring it up to his best friends and then need to defend his point.

"Oh, how did I not think about that! Of course she is with her father. It was her father that send her away to her boarding school, and she only stooped going there because of Mcgonagall. So, her father most be alive. After the war is it completely understandable to want to go back to her biological family and rest. To feel safe! Of course!" Hermione rambled fast on while she paced through the borrows living-room.

"You are bloody genius, Harry!" Ron exclaimed happily, now when he hade calmed down.

"Now is the only question, who is her father?" Hermione wondered out loud. Harry got a distance look in his eyes as he thought about family related topics.

A question that our dear Alexandra truly wanted to answer. Our dear Alexandra would do anything else than what she was doing at this very moment. Tony put two cups of coffee down at the table. His classical silver cup and our dear Alexandras newly bought one. The mug was painted in a soft baby blue tone, and were perfect for our dear Alexandra.

"I need to know, squirrel. I need to know what happened so I can help you." Tony said carefully. He hade zero clue what he was doing. It was usually Steve or even Pepper that did the emotional talking. He could charm people, but that was it.

"Who said that I needed help? Especially yours?" Our dear Alexandra said spitefully.

"You need help. You don't ever look us in the eyes except when you are made to. Even then you flinch away. Your body is littered with scars. And you think that you are fine?"

"I just said that I didn't need help!" Our dear Alexandra roared back. She did need help and desperately so. However you are weak if you seek help. You need to be independent. You never see dependent people on the news, except if something bad has happened. Help is for freaks and weaklings. Are you a freak or perhaps a weakling? You need to be strong.

Always strong.

The voice inside our dear Alexandras head wasn't hers but her old governess.

"Please, hun." Tony felt like suffocating. He knew what she was going through, or more or else. Even more then he thought.

Howard Stark wasn't a nice person neither as parent. Starks are made iron. Tony knew that when he was the same age as our dear Alexandra were he desperate for help, but couldn't possibly ask. Instead he got black out drunk. He doesn't want that kind of future for his daughter.

"And even if I would let you help me, how would you? Send me away again, maybe? Or give me a hug?"

"I don't know. But I do know that we will fix whatever this is. And we first need to get to the rot of this." Tony didn't want our dear Alexandra to be like him. There for he would do anything, including going outside his comfort zone.

"What if that rot isn't a rot but multiple, and those are buried deep deep down. So deep that it's have slithered it's way to svartalhem and on its way to hel?" Our dear Alexandra challenged Tony. She wanted to confuse him and divert his attention to another subject.

"Well, lucky you, I have excellent bio chemists in this tower." Tony said with a smirk.

"Lucky you, I am an excellent bio chemist." Our dear Alexandra said while mirroring Tonys smirk.

"Kiddo, I really need to know you degrees."

"Excellent, I also want to know that. Those diplomas are dust collectors right now." Our dear Alexandra said with a humorless smile. All work she hade putt in for those stupid diplomas, and for what? Nothing, it appears.

"I guess a 16 year old doesn't have much use of those."

"I guess not." Our dear Alexandra wanted to yell at him, and the world. Of course she has no use for them. She has never gotten a chance. Always stuck in some sort of dolled up version of a prison.

The élit
The second wizardly war
The Stark tower.

The silence laid thick over them like a uncomfortable blanket. Neither of them knew how to continue the quite fruitless, nevertheless important conversation.

"Did you eat breakfast?" Tony said tryingly, trying to break the uncomfortable tension. While also making sure that his daughter, our dear Alexandra, toke care of herself.

"Did YOU eat breakfast?" Our dear Alexandra countered.

"Smart ass, using my very own words against me."

"Ha ha ha." Our dear Alexandra said dryly.

"Come on, squirrel. Let's eat." Tony said standing up. He offered his hand with a small smile, our dear Alexandra looked at his hand then glanced over his face. She toke her fathers hand gently.

Small steps, baby steps.

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