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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧

"Do want to know what they do the first day you are at that disgusting place? The bleach your hair, and undress you. Stripping away your identity. No makeup , no earrings, not even long nails, nothing uniquely you. So don't yell at me for dying my hair. I'm trying to create an identity that was given to me on a silver plate. I don't want to be reminded of my old self. Be grateful that I didn't shave of all my hair.".   

It was inevitable that our dear Alexandra would lash out again, this time more of a sign of gaining an identity. She had been kept in a box her whole life.  Everything she ever did needed to fit into the expirations and  the perfection the people around her held for her. Yes, she had a lively personality, however just lively enough that it was quirky and fun, not needy and obnoxious. She did study a lot and was very much self disciplined, however she did not show that side of herself enough to be called "nerd" and "boring". Our dear Alexandra was never truly and fully herself. Except when she was homeless in the summers between school terms.

Maybe her hair was just a sign of the feeling of missing her pseudo family. Her family of red heads.

" I didn't yell at you. I was, and still are just confused why you changed your hair so drastically. You are my daughter. I may not know you, but I know me. I was dying , and then all my decisions were sudden, to the point of manic. They were fast, as I had such a short time to live, no time to think just live. So is there any other reason why you changed your hair, other than to build yourself your own identity?" Tony said as softly as a man of iron can.

"No" Our dear Alexandra said while slowly shaking her head.

"Okay, good. Remember just don't do anything I would do. And definitely dont do anything I wouldn't do."

"Yeah, because that isn't confusing at all." She answered sarcastically.

"Exactly." Tony said with a smirk as he brought his coffee mug to his lips, while our dear Alexandra mirrored his action.

The morning had started calm, with the family waking up together on the couch. That was before our dear Alexandra excused herself to change into something more proper. Which was a nice beige turtleneck, her white pants and ginger hair. (Magically done ginger hair, but they didn't know that. They didn't even know how long it toke to dye hair the normal way. )

Which gave Steve quite a scare. Both of the Starks found that extremely funny.

After a 5 minutes argument between our dear Alexandra and Tony were both of them sitting down at the dining table. While Steve made enough food to feed all the students at Hogwarts. Our dear Alexandra read her book on chemical engineering while Tony answered emails. It wasn't an awkward silence that was wrapped around the pair but one of understanding and comfort. Not everything needed to be field with smalltalk.

"Tony remember that we have that meeting with the team in a hour!" Steve said loudly over the loud drizzle from the frying pan. A groan escaped Tony's lips.

"Another reason to hate magic, the god damn meetings that come with it. And come on a magic knight, who is suicidal. This is all just a stupid joke." Even if Tony was joking with what he said, had it cut deep in Alex. He hated magic, he then indirectly hated her. Our dear Alexandra focused on the words on the pages so much that the words stopped meaning anything.

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