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Albus dumbeldoor has never laughed so loudly before. He danced in front of the whole school with Elizabeth, a student that he hade created a father daughter bond with. In some way, a way that surely broke many rules, hade she smuggled lots of ice coffee for her own pleasure into the castle. One of the many consequence was that she was now like a small squirrel. She danced her way around, laughed at every single slightly funny thing and recreate stories as she was on a stage. It hade been a long night for her so she hade decided on drinking three enormous cups of ice coffee in under 2 minutes. That gave her the énergie of the mad hatter but in squirrel form.

As the dance came to its end she curtsy and danced away to her table, while the applause rang. Just because she hade just came out from a intensive waltz dosent it mean that she hade any less energy, on the counter point had she just more energy now. So she did the obvious thing and went to the most snobbish pure blood in the school and start to argue with him. This after the applause hade ended, of coures. At the end of this fight was there a broken nose and a happy hufflepuff. The nose wasn't broken as you thought it would, but in the way that when the boy tried to hit her one of her guardian angels came and hit him instead. After that incident was George and Fred Weasley always by her side that day. Even if she told them countless of time that she didn't need their protection. That she was in fact 14 years old and was a professor (that just didn't teach full time). But they didn't listen, in fact they did the opposite. They started carrying her around like she was a toddler, when they noticed that she hade lost her energy sprout. You could see McGonagall's lips twitch when she saw the red heads carry the white haired girl.

Ron Weasley got a good laugh when Alexandra started to sing a lullaby and braid George short hair.

With a yawn she woke up. The world seemed so gray. She wasn't ready for it. Coughing to get the clump in her throat away and then started making her way to the kitchen. Where she magically made a simple plain toast with black coffee. Alex sat down at the table and open her news paper. Her name where plastered all over the first page. Of course, its been a week now. They hade noticed her disappearing and the news about Harry hade slowed down.

-Daily prophet-

Where is the heroine?

Where is the heroine?

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Alexandra Elisabeth Stark have now been gone for over a week. Alexandra was, and we hope that she is still, the brightest witch in centuries. The last one that saw her, were Harry Potter as he defeat Voldemort along side her. She is a master on non wand magic as well as historical used magic. Everyone is sitting on the edge of there seats to see where our golden girl have gone. Read more on page 7.

Closing the news paper with a sigh. She knew that this would happen, but not that it would hurt so gravely. Our dear Alexandra decided to busy her self with some ordinary studying. As muggle politics or biology. Even if she did fix the anti technology spells around her magic, was the internet still better outside her bag.

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