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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧
(Thors parts will be in fat text, to separate it from the rest of the text.)
(This fanfic starts getting a bit messy, please recommend something or anything to fix it up a bit!)
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧

) (This fanfic starts getting a bit messy, please recommend something or anything to fix it up a bit!) *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧

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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧
Dinner, a forgotten part of the day for both Starks. Deemed unimportant, a lesser priority. Their friends and lovers need to actively encourage and somewhat bribe them to eat, especially dinner. As dinner often falls on the time of the day when the geniuses are the most productive, and therefor the most forgetful.

Our dear Alexandra felt il to her stomach as she tried to eat all the food on her small plate. Failure, that what she is. How could she not even eat some pasta with sauce. Humiliating.

"So, kiddo. I was thinking that you could join me in the lab after we are finishing eating."

"Oh, cool."

Our dear Alexandra felt so tired, her magic core is always on the edge of being completely drained. The confusio spell was tricky, and draining. Even if she tried to practice simple magic now would she doubt that she would succeed.  If she could practice magic, would she vanish the food on her plate.

"Are you done, squirrel?"


Then a ping was heard, both of the Starks jumped up from their chair around the dinner table they were sitting around.

There in the lift were a group of people, mostly guys, that our dear Alexandra recognised as the Avengers.

An aura of pure electric power spread across the room in invisible threads of warm magic, that only our dear Alexandra felt. Her stomach dropped in trepidation. She just slightly fixed her posture, painted on a small polite smile and mentally prepared herself for whatever will happen in the next few minutes.

They stared at her like she was a faun, except Captain America in all his patriotic glory. Clint was the first to start moving closer to her. Clint, her Clint, that made her one of homeless summer the best one in her life.

"Clint!" She yelled and ran to him. They embraced each with such a force that if he wasn't a well trained agent, they both should have fallen to the floor.

"Kiddo!" Clint exclaimed, bubbling with excitement and pure gratitude. As they separated from the hug, they watched each other's faces. Searching for something that neither wanted to find. Before they found what was hidden, there was a muffled cough. Both of their heads jerked up, to see who interrupted their reunion.

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