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It was around midnight, the lights in her room were dim. It was quite peaceful. Her father and his coworkers has left her alone to fight the unknown threat. She let her thoughts wander around. It felt like she laid idly in a lake, surrounded by fire.

A swarm of black dressed agents stormed into Alexandra's bedroom. Her gaze lingered on them with a smile, she was so happy that Tony and the rest had gone on to somewhere.

She shut here eyes in a moment of fleeing religiousness and prayed for their safety, not hers. For her, she wished her death would be quick.

Yes, our dear Alexandra thought idly, she'd probably be fine.

As she had realized that she was a hero yesterday night she had also come to realize the horrible truth: that a hero never get to live, at least not happily. Not without being hunted by ghost of their past. That thought hade always been there, in the back of her head. But the truth was that she never been able to see how she would survive to see her 21 birthday. That might have been why it was so easy to accept it now.  She didn't have a plan for the future. One might think that she would fight to live, to continue to live this new life where she had found people who cared for her. However that time was ending sooner rather than later, because of her lacking magic core.

It was like the stormy sea had calmed down, the sun shinned peacefully on her face. All while she struggled to keep her head over water. In the end she chose to give up, but no one could shame her for her choice.

"Hello, Alexandra Stark." A man said in a snake like voice. The man I front of her was at least 10 cm longer than her, his hair was golden blonde and his eyes icy blue. Everything about him was so ordinary, and so utterly misfitting for him.

"Hello, mystery person." She says straightening up from where she was tiredly laying before.

"I'm the leading hydra agent, and I'm here to take you back." It felt practiced, and a bit flat. If the situation was different, would our dear Alexandra gravely mocked him.

"Back to where? I haven't been with you hydra guys, like ever."

"Don't you remember your home, before stupid little Hogwarts?" With a sneer he asked her, putting pressure on stupid little. Wanting to blatantly aggravate her. Belittling her first real home.

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