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Alexandra Elisabeth Stark wasn't one for trouble. She would avoid it at all cost. Nevertheless here she was, sitting in a uncomfortable green plastic chair - in custody at child servies.

Biting on her nude nails while the rain hit the windows in front of her. Bitting her nails is a nervous habit she hade evolved over the years. Why she was nervous was clear- as she was sitting outside the room where a lady and her biological dad decided her future for her. A future that she hade no say in. Even if she was the one that would get it.  Even if they only hade met her for a quick five minutes. That's not even true, she haven't even meet her dad as he or her could  get attached to each other, and then if he didn't want her would it be "bad", as they put it.

If they had known everything or just a bit about the girl sitting on that green chair with her white hair so beautiful- they would have known better than taking her in. If they just  known that she could make them forget this ever happened or that she could build a fully functioning mini plane out of the paper clip, the candle and the lemons in the fruit basket on the table beside her.

If they only known that the anxiety she felt inside her was like she was drowning. This was just like she hade fear. Well, not exactly but close enough to make her panic. Panicking like she hade crashed with her plane and now was desperately trying to get air in the middle of a storm that stormed the sea. The waves crashing and hurting her. She felt the blood in her head pumping, rushing like a train with children that tried desperately to come away from the war. 

But on the outside they would never know that she felt like she was was drowning without anyone to help her. She was a shell of what was ones the brightest girl of her age. Well, no she was still the brightest girl her age. She just felt like a empty shell. No one could ever see it. As she learned at the age of six years old that to show emotions would never bring you far in life. Those words hade been drilled into her day in and day out. Those words that have been forgotten in a full 8 years, those words have now come rushing back like a tsunami.

Those words was drilled into her mind as a consequence by her dad's decision. Her father that she hade thought was dead.

Someone slowly started to open the door but the action fast come to halt, and a voice spoke up:

"Remember to take it gentle with her. We have a feeling that she have been in abusive relationship of some sort."

"Of course." The voice was shaky. Like he hade cried recently.

The man that came out from the room was a man in a black suit and a black goatee. A man with puffy eyes and nervous body language. With shaky legs she stood up and shook the mans hand. They look into each other's eyes. He warmly embraced her body into his arms, but as he did that she flinched. As fast as a cat gets up  after falling into water, he did from her. Without a word they started to walk side by side. They hade nothing to say till each other, other than anything and everything.

Her backpack secure on her back as it have been in months. As she hade all her possessions in there as safety proaction. Gripping the rune covered straps tightly. She needed to carry around her backpack at all time as she had been undercover at Hogwarts when the death eaters hade manifested their plague there. Later on she cared on it as she ran away from the magic worlds press and well,... the magic world.

Everyone wanted to know who she was and what she was capable of. As she had been  their strongest knight.

Even if the backpack didn't seem as much for the naked eye was it so much more till it. The first reason was that it was the backpack she got from her first home. Second was that she hade casted multiple spells so it almost worked as good if not better then Newt Sacamander's own bag. The third and last reason was that she hade pulled if so many pranks with the twins with the help with the bag. A thing that made her lips curve up, just a tiny bit.

The twins, the only ones that saw her when she disappeared with the wind. She promised them that she would make them proud and never forget them. If she wouldn't have made that promise would she had bought the fastest memory loosing draught as possible. But she promised them and you never, never break a promise.

As they stepped into a car, possibly his car-had she mixed feelings about it. On the first hand she knew everything about cars and could surly build one, but on the other hand did she know all the information about them and there for know how dangerous they are. It was still quite a experience as she never even seen a car in real life and even more so never been in one.

One of her fingers frantically touched and screwed on her family ring.

As they rushed through the roads of New York could she feel  a pair of eyes analyzing her like she some paragraph in book that you could break down and understand. But the thing was that she wasn't just a paragraph but a whole library.

She wasn't one of those tumblr kids that thought that they were so deep -but in reality was the personality they said was as deep as the ocean just a puddle on the streets.

But she was still a mystery. No trace of her existence after she was 11 years old.
That trace was just a trace of that the payments to the school stopped.

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