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Books: a noun, but so much more. Books are something that give life and hope to millions of different people. When you are a kid you learn to read simple words and phrases, when you a teen you have your nose into books after books and when you're an adult you know that books are the key to freedom.

To our dear Alexandra books were a cures and a blessing. Book after book she toke and devoured its inside. She hade seen the world through the eyes of the author but never her own eyes. That was the blessing, knowledge.

The curse on other hand was that she never could make her brain stop. She could never take a moment to breath and slowly down. If you dared to slow down someone would catch you. Even if she knew that wasn't entirely truthful. At the same time when that truth were your whole childhood and you don't know anything else. How do you then know what's the truth is? The truth is often scarier then the lie.

That's why we could see a book in our dear Alexandras small scared hands. A book as well written as if it could been a painting in a museum. The ink field thin pages was a expression of timelessness. A land down under, a land with fairy's with colorful dresses and castles as big as mount Everest; painted in the most beautiful pink color with those sweet golden details.

Even if she was lost in the book she was as ready for attack, even if that was unlikely to happen. But you never really know what's impossible, our dear Alexandra is prof of that. But seating in the reception of a tower ,as tall as it could touch the sky wasn't one of the top ten places to get attacked. But neither was her runes lesson.

Why she was sitting there was easy to explain- as she was now a Stark, (even if she hade hade that name for years) and that meant living with him and his fiancé. A man that hade no name till her yet, but she then again didn't know her dads name Either. She did know her dads fathers name and his history but that's as close she got.

It didn't matter, as she planned on going into her room, well if she got a own room and never go outside tills she was old enough to move.

They didn't want her here, if they did they wouldn't have sent her away from the beginning. They didn't want her, she didn't want them.

She wasn't incapable of love; she was just hurt.

Tonks died, a sister
Snape died, a quite morally grey teacher she had spend days arguing with
Dumbledore died, a man as bright as she
Hedwig died, a pet she cuddled with
Collins died, a kid with a smile as bright as ever
Cedric died, a best friend
Lavender died, a independent woman she looked up to
Moody died, a hero
Dobby died, the cutest creature that have ever walked one earth

All of those names was close to her heart. She was still a puff, a huffelpuff. You could think that she of all people would be in Ravenclaw. But for the ones eleven year old girl wasn't reading the most important thing but love was. She hade learned only through books how love could make such of a big difference.

" Hey! Don't just sit there. We are over floating on work. Assist the doctors in lab three." A angry voice snapped on her, as she looked up she was meet with the storm grey eyes of a man in his 50s.

" Sir, I don't know what you mean." She politely reapplied. Her teachers would be satisfied of her if she still was in the Castel. But now was she just standing in front of a very angry man.

"Ah, I show you." As he angrily snapped on her, he toke her elbow and dragged her up from her chair and till a elevator that went up to what she guessed was lab three. Lab three was a McDonald's sized white room field with books and crumpled papers. A black chalkboard with equations scrupled  down sloppy.

" Perfect une assistance, Come et help moi!" A French voice echoed through out the buzzing lab. A simple push was everything she needed to start helping the middle aged women. After a while was the first terrifying experience now a thrill.

Everyone got along with everyone. With everyone she meant the five other people in the room. There were one male, one non- binary, one gender fluid (right now, she/her) and two/three female.

She didn't laugh or take part of the conversation, but she smiled and chilled with them. Her assistance were great appreciated, while our dear Alexandra skills were a bit rough around the edges from being gone from a lab so long were all the scientific theories she remembered still sufficient enough to impress them.

Compared from what you could thought wasn't she stressed or worried about her father as she thought if she hade forgotten her then, then he will simple forget her now.

Don't give our dear Alexandra a hard time because she hade no fate In him, she was just not used with someone caring were she was. She had no chance to wander around at the castle and at Hogwarts did no one care even when she was a profession. Well the cared they just thought that as she was the bright witch of their time that she didn't need some on to care for her. Ver puff was picked up by a snake except her.

You could say that the twins cared about how she felt and such alike, but they were never worried about her.

She hade reached adulthood before she hade time to be a child. She hade no to care for her, well except for Molly and Author Weasley. That was only the few times a tree with color full bals and angel on the top would be in the corner of the living room.

As a conclusion, she hade no reason to see something wrong with what she did.

Unknown by our dear Alexandra a panicked Tony was desperately asking Friday were she was.

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