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(No plot, just pure fluff)

"Hello, Alexandra. I'm here to invite you to movie night. We are going to watch the flash." Steve said as our dear Alexandra opened her door. Our dear Alexandra hade gone to hide inside of her room, the whole day after the morning conversation.

Only sneaking out ones to eat lunch/dinner. Her stomach were still unused to the steady stream of meals. Instead of shock her own body with food had she decided to successively make her stomach used to food again. Something she usually did after her summer vacation on Hogwarts. Finding nutrients meals while backpacking is a challenge especially on a student budget. Quite ironic that she a child of a lady and a billionaire and still almost starved every summer. Our dear Alexandra learned a lot on her travels. Like how to put up a fire with on sticks and stones, and other things the elite didn't think of to teach her.

One warm summer night that held one of her warmest memories hade she meet a man with the name Clint. Our dear Alexandra and him held a archery competition in a field of rapeseed flowers. He won in the end, however he still invited her to dinner, which she accepted gracefully. They laughed loudly under the sky scattered with stars like confetti. The warm winds wrapped around them like a blanket. The pair shared war stories while watching the moon wander over the dark sky. Both left out their own secrets, no one pointed out the obvious hidden secrets. They just let the secrets wander around them like shadows. Our dear Alexandra embraced him in a hug in the sunrise as they continued wander on different paths.

"Oh, I see." Our dear Alexandra hade planned to continue her reading on the updates from the different steam fields. However she felt so extremely alone and touch starved. Against her better judgment she gave Steve a smile, a fake one and said yes.

Steve broke out in a bright smile and told her that tony hade already started taking out the snacks. Our dear Alexandra closet the door with a smile that quickly disappeared. Oh, how stupid our dear Alexandra were. How could she ever live in this place with a whole heart now. Her plan slowly started to unravel. Promising herself to write a strategy later. With deep breaths and a quite promise started she to changed into her pyjama set.

As our dear Alexandra found the living room was she meet with the most domestic scene she hade seen in a while. And there were a room especially for her. The place was in between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. With easy she slipped in between the two men. Still with plenty of space between her and them.

Our dear Alexandra sat still as a statue thinking of how she would act. Would it seem weird if she commented on the movie? Or would  she seem strange if she were quite? Would she burden them if she toke a candy? Or if she wouldn't would they think she was arrogant. In the end she decided on a watermelon flavored gummy bear. However that just opened up for a new flood of unpleasant thoughts. Were her movement too stiff or was it too chill. Should she hade thanked them for the candy? Hade she even been allowed to take the candy bit? Her thoughts were like the wind in a dark forest. Rushing through endless of trees that made up a whole forest together.

At the left side of our dear Alexandra sat a smiling Tony Stark. He was happy that our dear Alexandra were there with them. Obvious to our dear Alexandra hunting thoughts.

At the right side of our dear Alexandra sat a smiling Steve Rogers. He was happy that his Tony was happy, and that he has now someone more to take care of. Something he never been able to truly do. Too weak in 40s, lonely when he woke up, and Tony to stubborn.

Somehow without meaning hade our dear Alexandra's body completely relaxed beside her two new fathers. It hade been a long time sense I had seen her completely relaxed. Of course hade she been so exhausted that her body hade relaxed itself for sleep, of course hade she somewhat relaxed those hours  deep in to the night in the library. However it was always some part of her that never truly relaxed. The élit would be ashamed of her if they saw our dear Alexandra now.

Our dear Alexandra closed her eyes just for a minute. Felling the overwhelming satisfaction of just letting go of all the tension in her body. She dreamed herself away to meadow covered in flowers and bird chirping in the wind. Under a tree she laid knowing that nothing could hurt her. A minute went as fast as a lightning bolt, however it was nearly impossible to open her eyes again. Almost if someone hade sown them shut. Our dear Alexandra did not complain. She let a small smile present it self on her lips.

As she lost control over her body her head fell onto Tonys shoulder. Making Tony smile more happily. Gratification field Tonys body. It felt good to finally earn some of her trust back. He toke her hand in his. Her hand was chubbier and softer than his hard muscular hands. Even if he had known of her less than a week would he do anything to protect our dear Alexandra from any harm. It was a scary thought to care so much for someone so human. So very human. Fragile.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧

She woke up startled by the sudden movements from Steve trying to stand up from the couch without waking up the Starks. However he failed as both of them woke up at the same time. Yawn escaped both of them as they stretched other there stiff limps. Steve felt a tiny bit spooked as Tony and Alexandra had exactly the same body language.

"Good morning." Steve said softly while helping Tony stand up. Which Tony protested loudly against.

"Bonjour petit Cacau." Our dear Alexandra said without a moment to think about what she was saying.

"Salut putain." Tony said tiredly back to her without really thinking. Our dear Alexandra drowsily started to loudly laugh. Steve smiled softly at both of them. He who always dreamed of such a moment. Not quite like this, but closer than he ever hoped he would get.

" Im just going to ignore the swearing and ask what you guys want for breakfast?"



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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧

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