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Tony Stark rushes out from the elevator into lab three where he found his new found daughter smiling while helping his employees.

A deep breath of happiness and relaxation. You could have thought he of all people didn't want a child, but there is were you were wrong. Him and Steve hade started to plan to adopt a kid before she came into the mix. As Tony told the news till Steve, hade Steve been over the moon in happiness.

They finally started to get the family that they hade wished for. But as he left Steve to fetch her hade she already disappeared.

How could he been so stupid. They hade warned him, told him that she hade been in a abusing relationship. Or she at least showed the signs. Of course she wanted to run away. She was maybe just afraid of getting hurt. He just wanted to hug her and tell her that everything is going to be fine. Tell her about his childhood. He wanted to spoil her, teach her stuff and just be a dad. A better dad then his was. But he hade already started to mess up.

" Alexandra!" He exclaimed loudly- making her jump up in the air.

A small nervous hey came through her small lips. All eyes was on her now, even if their boss where there.

She swung her backpack and waved good bye till the doctors -and followed her dad till a scheduled small room at the level bellow so they could talk alone.

With all the courage she could collect that we're left from the war she introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Alexandra Elizabeth Stark and I'm 16 years old." In that tone you know ceos and higher powers use, it was that voice out dear Alexandra used. A voice so different from how she come of that Tony Stark was taken back of surprise.

"Hello, Alexandra. I'm Tony Stark and your dad." He said to the trembling girl. She wasn't noticeably trembling but on the inside felt it like a earthquake.

"Nice to meet you." She said politely -while it was in fact  not nice.

"Yeah, yeah. I will first introduced you to my fiancé and then i will show your room?" He said excitedly, but still tried to keep his hopes down.

"Of course, lead the way." She hade put the mask only a actor or the best of the best spies could.
A mask that covers everything you felt with a polite smile and innocent expression. Everything a part of the perfect act in the play that's have the name: life.

This mask was yet another consequence -of the decisions from the younger version of the man that stood beside our dear Alexandra.

They raised leaders in the castle, the ones leading the country, leading business and reaching the goals that everyone thought was impossible. That's why they called the school the Élit. But in reality it was just a big castle with forgotten children that were pushed till their limits. In their opinion was emotions only acceptable in a speech that had the motive to move a whole nation -and then you could only use the right kind of emotions.

As he lead the way to the penthouse he hade stared to realized how different she was from Peter Parker. How she was more like one of those stone walls of a CEO. She hade just the right smile, the right body language, the right response, everything screamed leader and perfection. Nothing screamed child or teenager, not even a small whisper.

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