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A stack of books in different jewelry tones laid on the coffee table, a range of different decorative candles scattered around the pent house, trinkets of the magical kind laid around for anyone to find. 

Tony noted every new object with a sense of easy and rightfulness. Like they always had belong in his home, their home.

Sometimes when he close his eyes at night, he sees his daughter. Not the one he just hugged good night to, but the one he turned down. The one he send away.

He have on multiple occasions imaged how it would have been with Alex when she was little. Before her life was touched with evil. How he would teach her to speak Italian, while teaching her to cook his mother country's dishes. Play her some piano, teach her when she got older.

How she would look in a little dress of  warm beige linen shot through with gold threads and embroidered with leaves and vines. Imbedded with nanotechnology. A dress that was full enough that when she walked would swirl, the arms should be bell shaped.

To teach her the grounds of science and math. To show her the beauty of the world, before her world picture would be tainted by darkness. How he would spoil her rotten.

That it was his fault that he couldn't give the childhood he missed because of his father. It hurt, nagging with guilt. However those objects that Alex left around their home, made it easier. A reminder that while a stolen childhood can never be returned, nor can the naivety and innocence do. But the love that would have been in the stole childhood could always return in one way or another.

Alexandra had her feet propped up at the table, while she held onto Ella with one arm and with the other she held a glass of ice coffee. She was dressed in a pristine beige three piece suit, as she had just finished her first ever press conference (for non-magical people). Before that, had she spoken to the magical community, as well as the promise of  a new book per the demands of the people.

The Avengers had all gone to their own room to prepare for the now mandatory movie night that was held every Friday.

Tony finely felt at peace. Everything was at peace. The last piece of his puzzle that is his life was laid down at its place. It felt like he could breath fully again, after he had forgotten how to do for so many years.

Alexandra's eyes sparkled as she looked up her girlfriend. Her dear handsome tall woman. The woman that danced with her at 2am, fulfilling her fantasy.

Steve let his arm circle around Tonys waist, looking over Tonys shoulder to see his beautifully clever new daughter. Never would he ever image that he would able to have a lover, and to even have a family.  To shamefully kiss a man hidden in a alleyway  he thought would be enough. He now know that it would never been enough. That anything less than this would be more torturous than to forever fight a war against a thousand men.

A family with skin covered with war scar. Each with their own story. Together a whole library.

"Sugar top! Elsa don't hog our dearest for yourself!"

"I agree, Fred! Elsa has occupied to much of our dear sugar top's attention."

"We demand change!"

"Oui oui!" Was the last thing heard before Fred and George whisked a giggling Alex away into their arms.

Fred and George had decided to move into the guest room to keep a eye or two on their dear Alex. Tony fully accepted their whimsical ways and geniuses. Not only because it gave him a bit of ease knowing that there were someone else to watch his daughter, but also he wanted to monopolize their creativity.

"Dad! Papa! Help!"

"Of course, my Alex."


Everything was at peace. The war had been fought, and won. But what is it thing about world peace?


That there will never be.

There will never be peace for Alexandra Elisabeth Nanna Stark for as long as there are war fought on our evergreen earth.


*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧

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