Chapter 3: I Just Miss You Is All

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Passenger's Seat

Inspired by the song Passenger's seat by Stephen Speaks

Summary: Evan receives a request from a fan who wants to propose to his girlfriend who was also a fan. The request was to play the song Passenger's seat in a live stream or a video. Evan agrees, but he has his own reasons on why he agrees.

A/N: I take back my previous comment, the guys probably don't know how Delirious looks like, but according to him last year, he's attending Pax this year!!! :D yay guys yay! Idk why that's a yay but it is.

Chapter 3: I Just Miss You Is All


Previously on Passenger's Seat:

"Don't worry about it, you guys work. I don't know if he'll accept it as soon as it happens, but he can't run from it. That's for sure."

"Yeah I hope so... But really, it feels like if it happens, it'll be just a fairytale and I'd wake up from passing out while on the stream!"

"Stop over reacting, just relax, and enjoy your stay there too."

They said goodbye and went off to check out the convention, Evan's mind still on the possibility of his plan backfiring on him as his stomach keeps on turning.


Chapter 3: I Just Miss You Is All

The three guys found themselves engrossed in all the stalls and game trials and competitions. At one point Delirious was laughing at a few squeakers who rage quitted against him in a competition. Evan smiled as Delirious kept playing against other people.

'I bet they didn't know they were talking to THE H2O Delirious. They'd shit themselves if they found out they were cursing him.' Evan grinned to himself as Cartoonz walked up to him and then slapped his back making Evan jump.

"Eyeing something we like, are we?" Cartoonz said smirking

"It's not that! I was just laughing at how the squeakers can't even tell that they were playing with H2O Delirious himself." Evan repeated

"Yeah, well, around half the people here have been looking at you. They might just catch on and realize who else you're with." Cartoonz said as Evan looked around, and seeing Cartoonz was right made him frown. He tapped Delirious on the back as he whispered

"Uh hey, Nate, I think we should go. It's getting a little bit too crowded." Evan said as Delirious looked at him weirdly

"What the fuck are you talking about Vanoss?? It's a convention! Of course it's gonna be crowded! And since when did you start calling me Nate? That's so ugly!" Delirious said as he laughed and kept playing and Evan and Cartoonz groaned

"I've always called you Nate, NATE. We should really go. Before your laugh attracts more attention than you'd want." Evan said a bit more seriously. Delirious understood what he meant after that and quit the game. The three of them left as Delirious kept his head lowered for precautionary measures.

"That took you a while to realize." Cartoonz said laughing

"I was too focused on that game!" Delirious said grinning

"More like too focused on beating those kids." Evan said as he smirked

"How can I not like that?? That was awesome!" Delirious said laughing maniacally

"Well, where to now?" Evan said as they headed towards the exit

"I don't know, you guys want to eat?" Delirious asked

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