Important if you want an update.

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If you want an update, please help me out. If I post a fan made video in YouTube, will something bad happen? Because that's the last thing I need for the next/next next update.

And I'm so sorry for the late updates, I haven't updated anything for the past three days (none of my strories were updated. At all.) This was because of the little incident that most of us know as itskricken. If you didn't know, well, someone just please comment below the details. Actually, I myself don't know all the details.

But please bare with me. I'm able to write because I take my ships seriously, like I gather a shit ton of facts before I can do anything. And I've never, not once, been wrong about my ships. Even real people ships. So... this happening is a real bummer to me. It's hard to write when you know what you're writing will only give false hope to you and to others.

So if it's proved that kricken (I don't even know her name) and Vanoss are dating, then I'll just end Passenger's Seat, put a hold on all my other stories, and just stop writing until such the time that either they stop dating, or something seems fishy with the H2OVanoss thing. Fishy like what? Like they're getting really close again.

But as for now, please give me suggestions on what I can do to be able to upload a critical video for the story. Thank you!!!

YOU CAN STOP READING NOW or continue if you want my opinion on the whole VANOSS DELIRIOUS CARTOONZ KRICKEN thing.


I'm sorry this is not an update. I actually have the special all finished up, I'm just having trouble with figuring out whether to upload in youtube (then get killed because of copyright) or to just make a file and upload it here or smth... If any of you would like to give suggestions, that'll be awesome.

But uh... relating to the "current" events. I'm sure a lot of you have already heard the same thing from every single author or shipper out there. They're all either hating on them or just saying that H2OVanoss is fiction.

Well, I'll just, add one more opinion out there... and it's actually going to sound really off and weird, simply because I, myself, have never EVER shipped any ship that I wasn't completely sure was going to happen. Like, every single ship I have ever shipped, I had this really big feeling from the very beginning that they'd work, that it just can't be anyone else. And I've ALWAYS been right, not to brag or anything, but even real life people ships.

As I said in my profile, I was born on Feb 14. I grew up with the mindset of a hopeless romantic and to be quite honest, my life revolved basically on figuring out who goes well with who and how to make them figure that out themselves (especially irl ships). And my full name's meaning is actually something in the lines of "knowing secret meanings/things and nurturing/telling them to other people" nonverbatim. But ever since I found that out, I've always been trying hard to get my ships together, simply because I feel like (take note, this are my gut feelings, I may be wrong) they won't be as happy with anyone else. And the idea that they could have been together and could have been at their happiest, but they didn't get to be, always struck me as one of the worst things that could ever happen.

What does this got to do with all this shit?

Well to be honest, it's plain as it's confusing me.

I bet all you people are going to go all "this is the real world, not everything goes as planned" or "wake up from your fantasy" or "this is fiction" or etc. I know that, believe me, I've had my fair share of very harsh reality slapped across my face and even pounding at my barricaded doors.

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