Chapter 8: Because Evan Loves Wildcat!

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Passenger’s Seat

Inspired by the song Passenger’s seat by Stephen Speaks

Summary: Evan receives a request from a fan who wants to propose to his girlfriend who was also a fan. The request was to play the song Passenger’s seat in a live stream or a video. Evan agrees, but he has his own reasons on why he agrees.


CHILL. I know you're all "WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THAT TITLE" So read the chapter and find out what the fuck is with that title! XD

long A/N Read if you’re a MiniCat person. You can skip it if you don’t care XD

Okay, don’t worry about MiniCat XD They’re not here in this story, I’m very sorry. I was just thinking of H2OVanoss because yeah hehe this was supposedly a short fic. Like just three chapters XD

BUT…!! I have a new story that has MiniCat! It’s not uploaded yet because I have like… uh… LOTS of stories that have barely forwarded because I want to finish Passenger’s Seat before placing a second chapter in two of them. And the new story that I haven’t posted is a highschool fic (yeah I know I know they have way different ages but I just want to try this kind of story out. And guess what!? The first chapter has MiniCat already! It’s a bit on the dark side. But just a bit, it’ll get way better and less… rap—nevermind too spoiler :3 just wait for it if you wanna read it, or you can follow or just look at my page every once in a while so you know if it’s up! I don’t have a title for it yet so I don’t know haha.


//okay so I wrote that intro before I watched Nogla’s new cover. And an idea just popped straight into my head! For all you MiniCat lovers out there, I’ll be writing another *yep, another* side chapter for this story! If it’s not a side chapter, it’ll be a sequel of sorts but not really. Like a very small epilogue or something. But it won’t be included in Passenger’s Seat simply because I don’t want to ruin the flow of things that’s happening here. But if you guys really want me to include it here instead, then ay’t! I could do that! Just tell me in the comments below which you want :-bd But I’ll have the chapter up as soon as I can. But first I have to watch Mini and Wildcat do some co-op first (like Far Cry and etc) because I’m not a die hard fan so I can’t pinpoint their attitudes and what they may or may not say. So yep!


Chapter 8: Because Evan Loves Wildcat!


Previously on Passenger’s Seat:

“What do you think Alice meant?” Evan asked frowning

“I think it means you should definitely continue with tomorrow.” Cartoonz smirked as Evan grinned

“Can’t fucking wait man… can’t fucking wait.” The two were laughing downstairs, not knowing that upstairs, in their room, Delirious was packing all of his stuff.


Chapter 8: Because Evan Loves Wildcat!

*with Delirious*

‘What the fuck was she thinking!? Saying he’s my boyfriend! Goddamn that bitch!’ Delirious groaned as the elevator went up

‘I’m so fucked now! I bet they’re laughing at me! Fuck! What the fuck would Evan think!? I’m so fucked! I need to get out of here!’ Delirious was panicking as he got out of the elevator and went in Cartoonz’ room. He looked around for his bag and started getting his clothes out of the cabinets.

Passenger's Seat (H2OVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now