Chapter 16: Right Back (to where we started from) [Short Epilogue]

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Passenger's Seat

Inspired by the song Passenger's seat by Stephen Speaks

A/N: The start of this chapter might be familiar ^_^ if it's not familiar then it's actually how I started the story, hence the title, "Right Back (to where we started from)"

Chapter 16: Right Back (to where we started from) [Short Epilogue]


Previously on Passenger's Seat:

Evan slowly turned around, and the first thing he felt were a pair of lips colliding on his. Both Evan's and Delirious's heartbeats sped up as they closed their eyes. Delirious's hand went past Evan and onto the computer as he ended the stream for Evan, leaving the rest of what happened to the imagination of the subscribers.


Chapter 16: Right Back (to where we started from) [Short Prologue]

*click click* Evan's been clicking away and looking at his inbox and his comments and replying to some of them. He's been at it for the past two hours and he felt the boredom seeping in. He was extremely happy for all the active fans, but he felt drained just by replying to them after editing his videos. That was until he came across a very specific request that made his eyebrow raise in curiosity.

'Hi there Evan aka VanossGaming! I have a very special request— '

Evan smiled as he immediately replied to the private message sent. As he was typing down a reply, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his chest and someone nuzzling on his neck.

"Another fan request?"

"Yep" Evan said as he looked at Delirious and kissed him lightly on the lips

"Are you doing it?"

"Probably. After all, something good came out of the first one" Evan smirked as Delirious laughed and stood up. Just as Delirious was about to walk away, *by user Sapphireous* a little girl ran towards Delirious and tugged at his pants as she cried

"What's wrong Ellie?" Delirious asked with a smile as he picked her up

"X-Xavier... he's being mean...!" Ellie started crying even more as Evan turned to look at the two, when suddenly they heard running footsteps and by the doorway was a little boy carrying a medium sized teddy bear.

"Don't listen to her! I didn't do anything!" Xavier shouted as he hugged the teddy bear tighter

"Okay no fighting, you two" Evan said as Delirious tried to calm Ellie down and Xavier pouted

"Yes daddy..." Xavier mumbled as Evan smiled

"Come on, let's go on or else we'll be late" Evan said as he packed up his laptop and grabbed their things and loaded it into their car

"We can't be late, we're talking about the gang here" Delirious laughed as Evan shook his head

"They might get to Boston before us you know" Evan said as they all got into the car. Xavier and Ellie sat at the back, Evan sat on the driver's seat as Delirious sat on the passenger's seat

"Will everyone be there?" Ellie asked as she tried to grab the teddy bear from Xavier

"Yeahp" Evan said as they drove off

"I can't wait to see Uncle Mini, Tyler, David, Lui, Marcel..." Xavier started as he made sure the teddy bear was out of Ellie's reach

"And uncle Brian, Brock and Luke!!!" Ellie said as she gave up on the teddy bear

"Now you all better behave, ay't?" Delirious said as the two nodded their heads

"Hey daddy, why are we going to Boston again?" Ellie asked as Evan grinned

"Well, because it's where it all started from..."

Evan slowly turned around, and the first thing he felt were a pair of lips colliding on his. Both Evan's and Delirious's heartbeats sped up as they closed their eyes and Delirious closed Evan's laptop.

"H-How did you get in here?" Evan said as they parted for air

"I hid under the bed and waited for the perfect moment" Delirious said with a smirk, their lips still just an inch away from each other's

"You really are delirious" Evan laughed lightly

"Yeah, but now I'm your delirious..."

"And I'm yours..."


A/N: Well this is it!! The official end of Passenger's Seat ^_^ I hope you all enjoyed the whole story and tell me what you think of the ending! :]

Thank you to everyone who read, voted and commented on the chapters and who supported this story all the way to it's end! I'm glad you all still continued to read this even if it took months to finish it!! I'm really thankful to each and every one of you :D

As of now, we're ending this story with 5.97k views, 447 votes and 230 comments!!!!! Thanks so much everyone!!!

Special thanks to the comment-ers:

DeliriousKitty, Annarchy642, Xiiumie, YaoiLuvvr14, VentYourLoverToMe, MissesElliott, SatsujinKyo, GingerT222, BunnehJuice, TheMusicPrincezz, CocoaBirdy, Hexaquarion, Meow_Meowgii, Ticci-toby18943, Nigtmare308, SavanahFields, Black-flames, Pewdie101, DarkFandoms, Pigzilla, Puerto_Ricochet, _IzzyBizzy_, Bliffythefoxogon, Light_wolf616, SaraPhoenix14, Kuro-Neko-kitty, rpgmaddol, Zodinsanity, Brookesmart, Elisabeth401

And to MrPandaBread and Setinsanity who've been really nice about the chapter updates and have been understanding of my situation!!

And to Rebellekitty who commented the most!!!! ^_^ Congrats!!! You get the most comments award~~~~ ^w^

So for the very last time for this story, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! And I'll talk to ya'll in my other stories: Speak Now, H O S T I L E, Only You Do!!


-Sapph!!!!! Ending my very first story posted!! Over 'n out! ^w^

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