Chapter 9: Then Swear To Stop Liking Evan.

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Passenger’s Seat

Inspired by the song Passenger’s seat by Stephen Speaks

Summary: Evan receives a request from a fan who wants to propose to his girlfriend who was also a fan. The request was to play the song Passenger’s Seat in a live stream or a video. Evan agrees, but he has his own reasons on why he agrees.

A/N: OKAY So I’ve decided to update depending on my mood. That doesn’t mean I won’t update if I don’t feel like it. It means that I’ll always be updating, but I’ll be updating the story that fits my mood. Because if I don’t, well, go read this chapter and you’ll see how the emotions are just scattered.

For example, today, I wrote and updated two chapters of H O S T I L E. Go read that if you’re interested in more H2OVanoss! It’s a bit dark but the ending is better.

Ay’t! On to Chapter 9!!

Chapter 9: “Then Swear To Stop Liking Evan”


Previously on Passenger’s Seat:

“Hey Cartoonz, did you go in my room a while ago?”

“Nah man. Why what’s up?” Cartoonz said as he looked at what Evan was staring at. The closet.

“Someone took Delirious’ mask.”


Cartoonz slowly closed the door to his room as he sighed in panic and a frown appeared on his lips. There was a moment of silence until he shouted

“You got your mask from his closet!? You fucking retard! You almost blew the plan up!”


Chapter 9: “Then Swear To Stop Liking Evan”

*with Vanoss – still Sunday!*

“Where is it…” Evan whispered to himself as he already turned his room upside down looking for Delirious’ mask.

‘I can’t believe I lost it! And I just bought that in the convention too…’ Evan sighed as he sat down on his bed and remembered the events from before


*flashback to a few chapters before (chapter 4 hehe)*

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