Chapter 6: I Love Jonathan, I Don't Love Evan

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Passenger’s Seat

Inspired by the song Passenger’s seat by Stephen Speaks

Summary: Evan receives a request from a fan who wants to propose to his girlfriend who was also a fan. The request was to play the song Passenger’s seat in a live stream or a video. Evan agrees, but he has his own reasons on why he agrees.

A/N: So I was reading the comments from all the stories and I realized I thanked the people for the potatoes but never for the compliments! Thank you so much to everyone who stuck with my stories and even if I’m new in wattpad (but not in writing mehehehe) I felt so welcomed J Thank you to Xiiumie, CrinxShipper, Banini_Puncake for the compliments on the story! :D so even if I’m not in the mood to write because of Evan’s little “with my zombie killing partner” aka Laura smth, I’ll still write for these three people! <3 showing the love back!

Also at last people commented one why Jonathan Denis and why blue eyes and brown hair.

So thank you to BunnehJuice for that :D I’ve watched a lot of his videos and I’ve watched the one where he says it’s Jonathan, but so far haven’t watched the video where he says his whole name is Jonathan Denis (and we don’t even know if he uses Jonathan as his name or if he has a second name XD)

And thank you to JohannaDaile for the blue eyes and brown hair explanation :D Although there’s a good chance he doesn’t have blue eyes </3 he might just like blue. Like me, I love red, yet I don’t have red eyes, and I’d freak out if I do o_e and as for the brown hair, good point XD I’m too used to black haired people because reasons.

Chapter 6: I Love Jonathan, I Don't Love Evan


Previously on Passenger’s Seat:

Delirious sighed happily as he hugged the shirt and started to drift off to sleep.

‘I just miss you is all…’

“I miss you too… but I have to get away from you for just a while… I’m sorry.”


Chapter 6: I Love Jonathan, I Don't Love Evan

“D-Delirious?” Evan stuttered as he saw Delirious just there

“Oh hey!” Delirious sheepishly grinned as he rubbed the back of his head

“Why are you here?” Evan said a bit disappointed

“Well I did promise Luke that I’ll be staying with him for the weekend and all.”

“You don’t have to worry about—“ Luke started but was cut off by Evan

“Is this about a while ago?” Evan frowned as Delirious sighed

“A while ago was definitely something.”

“I’m sorry about it okay? Were you weirded out by it? It was just a friendly thing, you don’t have to take it seriously…”

“It’s not that Evan… I just need to be away from you for a while.” Delirious said seriously as Evan’s frown grew deeper

“Why!? You’re not making any sense.” Evan’s voice rose which shocked both Delirious and Cartoonz

“I just have to okay? I’m not mad or anything like that. I just need space to think.” Delirious said as Evan bowed his head down

“Evan—“ Delirious was immediately cut off by Evan turning around and just closing the door and walking into his own room without a single word. Delirious sighed as he looked at Cartoonz who just shook his head.

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