Chapter 13 (Final Chapter)

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Hello dear readers! As you may see it from the title, It Is time! :D  The Final Chapter is here! Meaning the end of this fanfic! I just wanna thank you all for reading my first fanfic and that everyone enjoys what I do for fun! Hope you enjoy!



An alarm keeps beeping on my nightstand and I open my eyes, reach out my arm and shut it off before I even had the chance to throw it somewhere. Waking up at the right side of the bed means that this day would be great. Stretching my arms, legs and back, I think of many things that I'm grateful for. Though there were ups and downs, I smiled as I recall everything that has happened this year. 

Reunited with my little sister, having stepbrothers, loving parents and a group of friends that I can rely on. These people helped me through my ugliest days and I've never been more thankful for them. Looking at Rocky, my big and lovable dog, holding his leash reminds me that I need to take him on a walk. 

"Alright, Alright. Let's go." As he somehow managed to get the leash on him, I changed into my morning walk outfit, grabbed the leash, and went out of my room.


"Eh?" Me and a certain someone that I know said it at the same time. I couldn't even believe my eyes when I saw that it was Makoto-kun that had bumped into me. Both of us was silent, mostly in disbelief that he is the first person I see in the morning. Wait a minute, how did he get into the neighborhood ? Did he knew that I moved into a new house? Who could've-- 

"Good Morning, Y/N-chan." He greeted me with the brightest smile that I've seen too many times. I didn't wanna be rude so I greeted him back. He starts talking and saying that it was a coincidence that he moved near the neighborhood without knowing that I was living near here. We had some small talks as I continue to have Rocky walk down the street. 

"You know, Y/N-chan, you have this trait of not telling us on what keeps happening on your side so we ended up on checking in on you ourselves." He shows me a small smile.

"But I've been improving myself out of this habit. That's the good part." I show a little grin on him.

"How so? Did something good happen to you?" I already knew what I was gonna say so I ended up telling him everything that has happened this past year. He also explained his side of moving near to one of the apartments in the neighborhood and all I have for him was respect. He moved out of his aunt's place and finally got his own space. I included some small parts that held importance to me even though it might seem meaningless to others. And I felt a bit relieved when he shows interest in those tiniest and small details. I was blinded by a sun beam that got into my eye and gasped. Time went by so fast that the sunrise is already halfway through. The morning breeze got a bit warmer but still has that cold touch to my skin. When we stopped infront of Sunrise Residence, he was shocked to see how actually big it is.

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