Scenario/Headcannon Dating Bakugo And You're Deaf

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I can't tell if this is a headcannon or a scenario- 

-The day that you got into Class 1-A he challenged you to a fight in the hallway 

-He was behind you so you didn't realize he was there 

-He thought you were ignoring him and got super pissed 

-You had to explain to him that you were deaf and can't hear 

-After a week or so he came up to you and signed 'Fight me' 

-You were surprised but you accepted  

-You kicked his ass 

-After the fight he got some respect for you 

-After a few weeks of somewhat becoming his friend you asked him why did he learn Sign Language (You assumed he knew before you came)

-He told you he learned so he could tell you to fight him 

-You were surprised about the answer but you smiled 

-A long while later you two started dating 

-You two cussing each other out in Sign Language is the most funniest thing to watch 

-He taught his parents Sign Language before you could meet them 

-You get worried about him becoming deaf too with his explosion 

-He tells you it's fine but you think otherwise

-I can't think of any other things sorry :( 

I hate that these are so short

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