DISCONTINUED Android Au! Platonic Fluff Momo/Tsu x Rich! Child! F! Reader

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Geez I feel absolutely horrible for never finishing this. This made me realize that I just can't do requests and I feel bad, but having this as unpublished made me feel even worse so here's what little I got.

Request by Genos on Quotev 

You have no quirk btw


The bell rang telling the staff that more customers has come. One of staff members turned their head to see who was their costumer, their mouth almost dropped to the floor when they saw it was (Mother), one of the richest people in all of Japan and her young daughter (Name). They quickly composed themselves and with a bright grin they walked over to the (Last). "Hello! How may I help you on this fine day?" The staff member glanced at the young child holding her mother's hand, she was looking at all the androids on the display.

"I am leaving for a long trip and need at least two responsible but playful android friends for my wonderful daughter." She gestures to you and you give the staff a big grin, the staff chuckles in response. "I think I have the perfect ones for you and their both on sale so it's even better." Your mother adjusts her purse "Ah, money doesn't matter to me, as long as (Name) is happy I don't care. But do show us the way." The staff nods and takes you two to the sale section. 

You arrive at the sale section and your eyes immediately get stars in them, there were so many pretty androids. Your face was like this :D but with stars. Your mother let go of your hand "(Name), you can chose two friends today. Go look around and see which ones you want." You ran around the area excited to see all the androids.

In the back of the room you walked around curious, you tried to hurry your search since you knew that Mother was going to leave in almost thirty minutes. You stopped in front of two androids and gazed up at them curiously. There was a tall one, around 5'7, you think, she had a black 'hair', it was extremely shiny and your eyes lit up when you saw her, her outfit was definitely something, with it being a bright red jacket that was halfway zipped up, she also had no shirt and had a very tiny skirt but you didn't really care. Your attention went to the android next to her, which was almost your height. 

She was frog like with her round body and face. Her hair was dark green and tied up in a bow that seemed to be from her hair. 'I hope that doesn't hurt.'  You thought to yourself as you observed her outfit.

 "(Name) sweetie where are you?!" You heard your mother call out to worried, you looked behind you and she was there signing in relief. "Darling, I told you to not go anywhere without me!" She noticed the androids "Are these the ones you want?" You nodded quickly, your mother giggled at you enthusiasm and pulled out her purse "Well then their yours." She payed for them and had her limo driver take you home while took an Uber to the airport.

A butler opens the car door and jump out, excitedly telling the old chap about the androids.

I planned on there being a cute playdate with hide and seek but I could never even start writing it, Genos if you see this please forgive me for never even telling you that I couldn't finish it.

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