(Sorta) Angst-Fluff One Shot: Jealous! Bakugo x Reader

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Art isn't mine! 

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Art isn't mine! 

I will try my best to avoid mentioning gender.

Your cousin has finally made it to U.A and you got the pleasure of showing him around. Unlike you, who is in the hero course, your cousin is in the business course which meant you won't see him as often but you were fine with that. You waited outside of principal Nezu's office for your cousin Haru. 

After a few minutes Haru came out with his schedule in hand looking a tad confused. You waved at him and he came up to you with a smile on his face. "Hey (Name)! Are you the person who'll show me around the school?" You nodded. "Yep! This school is huge and it's quite easy to get lost I'll be helping you get to your classes for the next week. By the end of the week you'll be on your own. You will be fine with that right?" Haru chuckled "Yeah I'll be fine, don't worry. And stop babying me! I'm a year older than you for goodness sake!" You rolled your eyes at him. "Yeah. . .no. It's best if we get started now, we don't want our teachers to get to mad at us." 

You showed your cousin around the school and thankfully you were able to make it for the last ten minutes of homeroom. You came into the classroom and Aizawa scolded you for being late and you had to explain to him that you were showing the new kid around, he sighed and went back to napping. 

You looked around for your boyfriend, Bakugo, but he wasn't in the classroom for some reason. You tilted your head confused and went over to Sero and Ashido "Hey you two! Do you know where's Bakugo?" You asked, your head still tilted. Ashido replied to you "Hey, (Last)! Bakugo is in the bathroom right now. Where were you by the way? We were all a little worried when you didn't came in." You set your bag next to your desk before answering. 

"Oh. I was showing the new business kid around the school." You heard the door open and Bakugo come inside. You smiled and waved at him and he walked over to your desk as you greeted him. "Hey Bakugo! How are you?" The blonde leaned on the wall. "I'm fine. Where were you." You sat down "I was showing the new business kid around the school and it took a while." Bakugo tched at the sound of a new kid and then the school bell rang and school began. 

All through out the week you helped Haru get to his classes and due to that you couldn't walk with Bakugo to class like you always do and you could he didn't really like that no matter how much he said he didn't care. Thankfully it was the end of week and Haru got the hang of getting around the school so you didn't have to help him anymore. 

"Well Haru, you seem to understand the layout of the school so I don't think I have to help you anymore!" Haru raised his fist to the sky as he cheered "Yay! I don't have to deal with you anymore!" Haru teased and scoffed at your older cousin as you hit him on the back of his neck playfully, though you may of hit him a tad to hard. "Ow! I was only teasing you, (Name)!" You giggled at him before you said goodbye to him. It was the end of the day and you had to go back to the dorms. You both waved good bye and he went to his dorm "Oh hey. You're Bakugo right?" You heard him say which caught your attention. You walked over to where he was and Bakugo and Haru were. .'talking'. 

It was easy to tell that Bakugo was extremely pissed as he glared at Haru with the rage of a thousand suns and you could faintly see small explosions coming out of his hands. Haru was kind of and airhead and was completely oblivious to Bakugo's rage. You started to sweat as you could see Bakugo getting ready to beat your cousin's butt. You pulled Haru away from Bakugo so wouldn't die from the blonde. "U-Um. .H-H-Haru. .I don't think Bakugo is in the mood to talk right now, um, you should probably go to your dorm now." Haru was confused but complied "Oh. .alright. Goodbye Bakugo! See ya later (Name)!" he waved goodbye and thankfully left. 

It was now only you and Bakugo. You looked at Bakugo worried as you walked to him. "Bakugo-" "So you're on first name basis huh?" His voice was soft and that scared the hell out of you. "Well, naturally. I mean we are-" "Are what?" You were kind of freaking out now, you've seen him jealous before but this is nothing like all the other times. "Bakugo please calm down. Whatever you are thinking I promise it's not that." You held his hand to try and comfort him. 

Bakugo was still steaming with rage but the explosions stopped, most likely because he didn't want to hurt you. "Bakugo. .everything is okay, if you think he or me have feelings for each other you're completely wrong." You hugged him and he put his other hand on your head and started to caress your hair. "Everything is okay. I promise you." He finally hugged you back as you told him sweet nothings. 

You two went to his dorm room and laid on his bed as you cuddled him. You explained to him that Haru is your cousin and he apologized for getting so defensive which was rare for him. 

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