Fluff One-shot: Dabi x Café Owner! Female! Reader

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This is unoriginal but whatever- 

Also cuss warning. 

The art isn't mine!

Every time you read a fanfiction that had a Café AU in it you would get interested until you saw how most of them were just a certain character flirting with the other character and they always have so much free time on their hands. You laughed every time you would see one of those. 

(Sorry if this isn't arcuate, I haven't read any Café Au books)

Unfortunately, you never had free time unless it was a holiday. You could never flirt with one of the customers and you had to deal with Karans and Chads all day, every day. Not to mention you had perverts trying to get you away from your job just so you could fuck them. You were starting to think you were going insane from the stupidity of some people, but you could deal with it. You think. 

Today wasn't different from every other day. It was boring and you were going back and forth from making drinks to getting orders. Every one of your employees expect one was sick with a flue that was going around town and the one employee that wasn't sick had to go home early because of some family business so you had deal with everyone's bullshit by yourself. You wanted to scream. 

It was rush hour and you could feel yourself starting to lose it, there were so many people yelling at you and so many people complaining at the line slow speed. You've lost so many regulars today and you just wanted to go home but you couldn't close the store because you need money. 

The bell rang to tell you someone else had came in but ignored it as you yelled at some Karan to get out as they were holding up the line. One Karan down, five more to go. You groaned as you heard the next dumb bitch yell at you for 'getting their order wrong' even though you had proof that they DID order what they ordered. You threw the receipt in the person's face and yelled. "Actually ma'am. You DID order whatever the hell you ordered now if you could be so kind. .GO AWAY." You did a shooing motion. The woman scoffed at you. "Well, I didn't think you would be so rude-" You wouldn't allow her to finish her sentence "-I'm NOT. But when you have to deal with dumbasses like yourself fourteen times a day you would also get a little pissed when someone tries to be better than you at your own damn job." 

The woman opened her mouth to reply but someone put their hand on her shoulder. You both looked at the person in confusion. The man was around 5'9 and had black hair and many purple scars all around his body, mostly on his face an arms. "I'm going to ask you to leave. You are holding up the line and you are way to stupid to be arguing with her. Get out." The man spoke in a raspy voice as he glared at the woman with his teal eyes. The woman crossed her arms and glared at the mysterious man. "Make me." The man shrugged and lifted the woman with ease, said woman started to scream at him as she kicked and punched him with all her strength but it was useless. 

The man acted as your security for the rest of the day, not hesitating to throw someone out for trying to argue with you. By the end of the day he threw out at least a dozen of people just for being stupid and trying to pull out the 'Give me your manager' card. When your Café was officially closed for the you sighed, weather it was out of relief or frustration you couldn't tell. 

You turned to the man who hadn't told you his name yet. "Thanks for helping me out today, you didn't have to." You bowed in thanks, he leaned on the counter with a small smile on his face. "It wasn't that hard, just sorta annoying." You chuckled at his comment and went behind the counter and took out a piece of paper and a pen. "So what did you want?" You asked with the realist smile you've had all day. The man smirked and for a minute you thought he'd say something like 'How about you?' or something pervey like that, but thankfully he didn't and he ordered something that was simple. 

You wrote everything down even though your hands were dying and cramping badly you looked at him again. "And who is it that I am serving to?" The man's smile went away for a minute as he looked like he was in deep thought for a little bit. You were starting to get worried but he came back to reality "Call me Dabi." You nodded and smiled as you wrote down the interesting name and went to get the order done. 

While you were gone Dabi thought to himself. Usually when he saw someone like yourself have to deal with angry Karans and Chads he would just watch the fights with amusement but he could tell you were completely done with everyone's shit and a part of him respected you for that. 

A part of him wanted to say his real name but he wasn't quite ready to tell you that though, he had a gut feeling that you would be the first person he'd say his real name too. He smiled as he thought about how cool you were for not just losing your sanity and just try to kill everyone. He could never. 

You came back with his order in hand and put it on the counter. "Here you go, it's on the house for all the help you given me today." Your smile made him feel like he was human and Dabi couldn't tell if he liked the feeling or not. He held the drink in his hand and waited for it to cool down to the temperature he preferred. He decide to talk for a little bit before he had to go back to the League Of Villains base.

"Your boss is probably gonna be pissed that I took out so many regulars." He didn't look like he cared about how much trouble he'd might be in. "Plus I kind of assaulted over a dozen of people." He chuckled and so did you before you spoke "Well I don't she'd mind." You paused for a minute so could throw something away "I mean, I am the owner of this place and I don't care." 

You both had a few laughs before Dabi realized he had to leave, which made you sort of sad, it's been so long since you've had such a nice conversation with someone that didn't mention work or had yelling because of work. He gave you his number though and he would act as if he was your security sometimes and you kind of hired him in a weird way. He was technically your employee but he didn't have to go to work he just wanted to. You mostly suggested him being your employee so he wouldn't get arrested for assaulting people and plus he kind of wanted to see him again. He agreed because he wanted an excuse to see you again and he could go undercover for missions or something it was mostly reason one. 

You two started dating after at least a year of him 'working' there. 

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