DISCONTINUED One-shot/Songfic: Mr. Compress x Witch! Musician! Female! Reader

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I started this a few months ago and I never finished it but I don't want to just delete it so enjoy what I got

(This is my second time doing a songfic so I apologize if it's bad) Also I tried to make it GN but I couldn't find any covers that I liked that were male/gender neutral, I'm so sorry

(This is my second time doing a songfic so I apologize if it's bad) Also I tried to make it GN but I couldn't find any covers that I liked that were male/gender neutral, I'm so sorry

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Art isn't mine! 

I feel like Mr. Compress is underrated 

Sorry if he is OOC (out of character) this is my first time writing him

It was Halloween and the League Of Villains had no plans, Shigaraki thought about killing some heroes but the rest of the members complained that they wanted a break from doing the same thing every day. So here they were trying to think of ideas on what to do for Halloween, Dabi suggested that they sleep through it, being a villain means sacrificing sleep but no one wanted that. Spinner thought of getting a shit ton of candy and watch horror movies all night and some people thought it was a good idea but some objected saying that horror movies aren't fun if you know what's gonna happen and if you aren't scared. So Mr. Compress suggested something. 

He brought out a flyer that talked about a place where you can eat as much food and candy as you wanted and a free concert from (Fake Name) Hex and her apprentices. "I've been there plenty of times and it is wonderful each time! We should go." Toga took the flyer from Compress with sparkles in her eyes "Hey I've heard about them before! You can find some videos about them on YouTube and from what I've seen they're great! Especially the lead singer." Toga told everyone else and after some convincing from the others they agreed to go. 


You were humming to yourself as you finished your makeup, you smiled at your beauty and left to find your friends who were already done dressing up. You went onto the stage and saw your friend with her bat quirk and your other friend who had strange markings on themselves. 

(BTW Bat (Friend) uses She/Her and Marking (Other Friend) uses They/Them)

They were both bullied for the way they looked because some people are just assholes, you found them when they were crying and you took them under your wing when you saw how much they loved performing. Both looked towards you when they heard your footsteps and smiled "Hey Miss (Last)! We're just about done prepping the candy and food table, how's the 'special effects' going?" Your bat friend (Friend name) asked you while doing quotations for the special effects line, of course everyone thought that you had amazing effects for your shows since you weren't allowed to use your quirk. But you just lied to everyone who asked since even though it was illegal you still used your quirk. 

(Other Friend) giggled at the ignorance of others and then coughed, trying to look strict "(Friend), this isn't the time for jokes! We only have an hour until everything starts. Go ahead and get the drinks." She ordered and with a huff (Friend) left to get the drinks, with a puff of smoke you were behind her. Unsurprised they turned "(Other Friend) you don't have to be so strict you know that right?" They sighed and you rolled your eyes "Oh well you'll learn one day. Go on and finish preparing the mics and sound stuff please." With a bow they did what you asked. 

Another puff of (favorite color) smoke and you were in the security room and checked the camera outside where the entrance is. You saw a lot of people were already waiting for it to began and you went back to check the instruments. They were all in perfect shape and (Friend) came backstage and gave you a thumbs up letting you know that she did all her jobs and (Other Friend) came behind you and nodded, also done with their job. 

You smirked knowing everything was ready, you just had to wait around fifty more minutes. 


Shigaraki groaned as he waited "When does this stupid thing begin again?" Kurogiri checked his phone "We have twenty more minutes." Toga groaned in the background. Twice couldn't decide if he could wait that long or not but his conversation with himself stopped when the LOV saw a ton of people coming and waiting, some were talking about how they couldn't wait to see the concert and eat the food. "This better be worth it." Dabi yawned, wishing the members would've just taken his idea. 

Mr. Compress checked his watch, around fifteen more minutes to go. "You really like this place don't you Mr. Compress?" Toga asked him as she could easily tell he was excited. The performer nodded "Yes. I've been to this place for around a decade now and it's as amazing as the last time. I wish I could meet the person who does all of this but they never revealed themselves neither do they do interviews so it's sort of hard to do." Twice said something about how Mr. Compress was blah blah blah, the masked man didn't listen as he was to immersed on the flyer that had (Fake Name) on it. 

Toga instantly realized he had a crush on the lead singer and before she could start gushing about it the doors opened by themselves, indicating that they could inside. It took a minute for them to go inside because of the running fans but when they did their mouths dropped to the floor. The place was beautiful and I mean BEAUTIFUL! The members of the league expected it to be the typical place with dark purple robes and a mysterious arura (which isn't bad) but the place was. . .well I'm shit at describing buildings so it's whatever you imagine it to be. 

There was a T.V and white text started to appear on it which spooked a couple of people, the words welcomed them to place and told them to eat as much as they liked and that the concert would begin in thirty minutes. The league of villains looked at each other as Mr. Compress went to the food, they all shrugged and went behind him and took whatever food they liked. They all sat down at a rather large table and when they ate the food they were amazed, it really was as good as the strangers said it was, actually it was even better! 

They talked to each other about how they used to spend their Halloweens before until the lights went out suddenly. Mr. Compress took off his mask so it didn't interfere with seeing the concert "It's about to begin." He stated before (Favorite Color), (Second Fav Color) and (Third Fav Color) lights came on and three silhouettes came into light and you and your friends looked out into the crowd. 

You saw many fans that came here years before but you also saw a handful of new faces too, you smirked and quietly told your friends "Let's put on a show they won't forget." (Other Friend) rolled their eyes playfully "You say that every time, mentor." You grinned "That's cause I mean it." (Friend) and (Other Friend) started to play and you started to sing. 

It was at this point I lost interest in this one shot, after you sing the song Mr. Compress somehow gets back stage and you find him and yall talk for a while yeah that's all I got lol. 

Have a good day/afternoon/night!

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