Dabi x Café Owner! Female! Reader but...

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(I had this in my mind ever since I published the one shot) 

TW!: Murder and you going batshit shit crazy

(F/T) = Favorite Thing (That isn't violent) 

Dabi watched as you yelled at some bitch that she did order her order but she refused to leave. He chuckled at the stupidity at some people, the people in line were starting to get inpatient and either complain or just leave. You were shaking in anger a the dumb bitch yelled for you manager and then you went silent. 

Dabi raised an eyebrow and the lady shouted at you to do something but you didn't move. You head was down so no one  could see your expression and it was like you were a robot who had turned off. If he squinted he could've saw your arm moving to reach something. . .

Then you pulled out a gun. 

Everyone went silent. 

No one dared to move. 

Even Dabi was surprised. 

You held your head back up and stared at the woman who was frozen in fear as the gun clicked to let everyone know that the safety was off and with venom and tiredness in your voice you told her. "I do this bullshit eight times a week." And with that, you shot her. 

Everyone started screaming and panicking and a guy that was yelling at you for some stupid reason tried to get out of the café but you grabbed him by his collar and aimed the gun at him "Oh no, what happened?? You were so confident that I couldn't do anything because 'the costumer is always right' before! Where did all that shitty confidence go!?!?" Your voice cracked a few times as you still shaking violently from rage. "M-M-Ma'am p-p-p-p-please let m-me g-go, I-I promise I-I won't ever complain a-a-again!!" The man pleaded as everyone tried to use the tables as protection. Dabi hid behind a table along with some other scared folks but you clearly did not give a shit. 

"Don't worry sir!" You spoke in fake cheery tone "You can't complain when you're dead!" You shot the guy with no remorse and left the counter, you aimed your gun at people that pissed you off "Does anyone want to say anything???" You asked and no one dared to speak. The bell rang and instantly pointed your gun at the person until you realized who it was. It was the manager or better known to you as your older sister by two years. 

Your older sister took one look at the people who were cowering and some were crying in fear, then she looked at the two dead bodies at the ground. She face palmed herself. "Damnit (Name) not again!" Dabi was confused. This was normal? If that's the case than why did he never hear about in the news?? You were still shaking and you older sibling just sighed and held out her hand "Give me the gun." She sounded like she was telling a child to give a toy but you held the gun against your chest and hissed at her. 

"No! It's mine and those assholes deserved to die!" The elder sibling rolled her eyes and looked through the bag she had brought with her "Listen (Name) I can't keep helping you with your murderous rampages since you have your little gun with you." She pulled out a piece of paper and a (F/T). You narrowed your eyes at her as you quickly grabbed the paper and (F/T) and you read over the paper. Your eyes started to shine and you looked back at your older sister "You'll cover for me for two weeks!?" "If you give me the gun and you promise you won't do this again right after I fix this." You had a silent debate with yourself as you elder sibling tapped her foot on the ground waiting for your answer. 

Everyone heard police sirens and you knew someone had called the police. You huffed and gave your elder sibling the gun and she out it in her pocket after putting it on safety. You went back to the counter and got into your position and everyone including Dabi was confused. A police officer shouted for you to get outside and put your hands up in the air. You older sister went outside for you and suddenly a bright blue light overcame the entire street. 

The dead lady was alive and shouting at you again and you got pissed again, of course you didn't have your gun and you wanted your two week vacation so you decided to yell back at her. The woman opened her mouth to say something but a hand was placed on her shoulder and told her to leave, you were confused since this didn't happen last time but than again some people seemed to have feeling of deja vu so you guessed this man had that. 

You sister watched through the widow as the man with loads of scars acted like your security and didn't allow the situation to escalate, she sighed knowing you won't do what you did last time and left to get start sleeping cause she knew she wouldn't get much of for the next two weeks. 

(I didn't mean for this be this long I just wanted you to say "I do this bullshit like eight times a week" but whatever, you know what this is cannon. This is what happened before the actual one shot lol.)  

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