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the world revolves around kendall conway

"There's number 66, Gordon Bombay skating at great speed down center ice!"

"Go coach go!" i yell at my tv screen while Charlie is pacing back in forth.

"Shhh!" my mom yells from the kitchen. I roll my eyes, "Mom coach is playing this is the acceptable tone i am using!"

My eyes are glued on the screen as i wear my #66 waves jersey. I see coach's opponent rush with anger at coach.

"Coach look out!" charlie shouts at the television screen. Not seconds later Bombay gets crushed. I gasp at the hardest hit i've ever seen, as coach is down on the ice not getting back up, "Oh my gosh!"

I rush up to the tv screen to get a closer look, charlie doing the same thing right beside me. "Not looking good for number 66, Gordon Bombay," the announcer says worriedly. "No kidding," charlie mutters.

The paramedics rush out onto the ice as they cut to commercial. "Oh come on!" i yell angrily smacking the tv, i was worried about the man who was like a father figure to me.

"How many times do i have to tell you that if you get too worked up like that watching sports, there will be no sports watching on my tv!" My mom reprimanded me for smacking the tv. I rolled my eyes, muttering a quiet apology.

The phone rings. I run over to go answer it and here the distressed voice of Guy, "have you guys been watching the waves game?"

"Yes unfortunately."

"Can you believe what happened to coach? I want to hurt the man who hurt him so bad! Coach was so close to making it to the NHL!" Guy was right, coach had called and talked to us about how just a few more games then the scouts would be wanting him to play.

"I know, trust me! If i was actually there no one would be holding me back from getting onto that ice."

"I would be right there beside ya kens," guy says as he lets out a sad sigh.

"Alright, well i gotta glue my eyes on the screen, i'll talk to you later Guy!"

"see ya kens!"

I rush back over to see the tv still on a commercial. I plop myself on the couch and burrow my head into Charlie's shoulder. "I can't believe this!"

"Me either," i mutter sadly, knowing that would be the end of my coach's career.


"Bye ma!" i kiss her cheek as i rush to get my backpack so i wouldn't miss the school bus. "Say goodbye to your stepdad," she says in whisper. I roll my eyes as i head for the door, "Bye Ricky," i say unenthusiastically. "Bye Kendall," he mutters out. My mom and Ricky had just recently gotten married, unfortunately. So now Ricky had moved in all the way, and was here all the time. Insert rolling of my eyes.

"Come on Charlie! We're going to miss the bus!"

He comes rushing out looking a mess. He grabs a pop tart as he fixes his hair. He gives my mom a quick kiss on the cheek as he runs over to me at the door. "Bye Mom! Bye Ricky!"

He closes the door as we rush outside and down the street to the bus stop. It was about to leave and i was not about to walk to school. "Wait!" i yell as it starts to move. It slams on its breaks and i rush to the door, "next time i'm gonna leave you Conway's," the bus driver says in a mood. "Yeah, yeah you say that every time Bert."

I find my seat next to Connie as i let out a sigh of relief. "Cutting it kinda close kens."

"I blame Charlie," i say as i point my finger at my twin who is sitting next to Guy.

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