Chapter 21

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"Adam.. what are you doing here?"

I was completely shocked that it was him at my front door. I mean the last time i saw him he acted like he hated me. Now he has flown all the way back to Minnesota rather than being where the hockey is. Hockey is Adam Banks' life.

"I... um.. can i come inside?" I nodded and opened the door wider allowing him to come in. He followed me to the living room as i could feel his eyes trailing on my every move.

I took a seat on the couch and he took the seat right next to me. I shifted my body facing towards him as he looked down at the floor while fiddling with his fingers.

"Why are your eyes so puffy? Are you okay?" he asks as i hear the concern lacing his voice. "Oh, um.. allergies!"

"You don't have any allergies Kendall so what's really wrong?" Jeez how does this boy know so much about me. "I used a new face wash so it might be that!"

"So, why are you here Adam?" I asked trying to change the subject. His beautiful blue eyes looked up to meet mine and that's all it took for the butterflies to start going crazy in my stomach.

"I... I... i want to... um.. oh gosh...i.. i.." This is pitiful. "Are you okay Adam?"

"Yeah.. um... gosh this would be easier if you remembered," he says while putting his head in his hands.

If i remembered what?

I place my hand reassuringly on his back. I feel his back tense up but soon relaxes. I remove my hand as he looks back up at me once more.

"I... I... i'm here to take you back to California."

"What? No!" I know he came all this way but i made sure to show Charlie i didn't want to come back, "i'm sorry you came all this way but i'm not going back Adam."

"Yes, you are."

"No! I'm Not!"

He leans closer to me, beginning to speak in a whisper, "Kendall, let's make this clear. I'm bringing you back. Whether you go willingly or if i have to drag you there myself."

My breath hitched at how close we were but i wasn't about to back down. It's not in my nature.

I lean closer and begin to whisper, "Oh yeah?" A smirk pulls on his face as i push my lips closer and closer to his, "i'd just like to see you try Banksie."

Before he tries to close the gap between us i pull my face away and walk towards the kitchen for a drink.

"Tease," i hear him mutter as he gets up and follows behind me. I grab two glasses and fill them with water. I take mine and pass the other to Adam, "here, you look like you need to cool off," i say while looking at his bright red face.

"Haha," he replies sarcastically. We drink our waters silently, not meeting each other's eyes.

"What can i do to make you come back?" Adam says suddenly.

"Nothing Adam. There's nothing you can do."

He looks down sadly before looking back up, "please play. For me, play for me. I know we weren't on the best of terms before you left and i am so sorry for being a jerk but i know you care about me so please do it for me."

"What makes you think i care about you?" I say sternly as i look right into his eyes. He stays silent for a while but then his voice speaks up in a whisper, "because... you were the only one who actually cared enough about me to actually notice something was wrong in the first place, even though you don't have half your memory while everyone else has all of there memory."

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