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I jump out of my bed this morning being ready to rush to Hans' Shop to see coach.

After i'm finished getting ready i run out into the kitchen to see Ben. Totally forgot he lived here now.... oops.

"Good morning Kendall," he says with his messy hair and pajamas still on.

"Good morning Ben," i say while smiling at him.

"Where are you off to so chipper this morning?" he asks as he takes a bite of his toast.

"My hockey coach is back in town after like two years so i'm going to go see him once Charlie gets his lazy butt up!" i yell the last part for Charlie to hear.

"Ah yes hockey! By the way i actually hate hockey, i just did that to spend more time with you," he says with a sheepish grin. All i do is laugh, "wow, so i guess i don't need to give you anymore hockey lessons."

"Yep, i'm good!" We both chuckle a bit. "Alright well i'm going back to sleep for a bit, it's early and it's saturday so," he salutes me and heads off to his room.

"Charlie Edward Conway! Come on!" i yell impatiently.

"Okay, okay i'm coming! No need for the middle name!" he says finally coming out of his cave. As we rush to the door my mom comes yelling out of her room, "wait! can two at least eat something before you go!"

"Sorry ma! We really want to see coach!" Charlie pleads. "How about we come by the diner after to eat!" I suggest hurriedly, really wanting to get out of there.

"Fine," she sighs, "be there by 9:30!" she yells as we say a quick, "thanks mom!" and rush out the door.

We rush into the door of Hans' hockey shop to be stopped by Jan. "Shhh! Gordon is sleeping!" he says in a loud whisper. Charlie and i shared bummed expressions as Jan asks us to sharpen some skates while waiting.

Charlie and I go to the back machines and start sharpening a few skates. We soon start to hear some rustling from the room coach was staying in. Charlie and I shared excited expressions as we rush to the room to see our coach on the couch with his eyes open.

We peak our heads into the door as Charlie says, "I'm sorry coach did we wake you?" Coach faces us excitedly as he sits up, "Conway's!" Charlie and I both rush up to him and tackle him into a hug.

"We really missed you," i say as we pull apart from the hug.

"I missed you guys too."

"Tada!" Jan says as he comes in with a tray of food for coach. "For breakfast my specialty Jans Hassan" he starts as me, charlie, and coach finish, "Hasenpfeffer and eggs!" we begin to chuckle, oh how i missed this.

"I see you've met my new apprentices'!" Jan says happily to Bombay.

We all sit down on the couch as Bombay sits in between me and Charlie. "Jan told us you had this job when you were our age," Charlie begins to tell couch.

"That's right! I hope he pays you more than he paid me!" coach exclaims.

"You got paid?" i asked shocked as me charlie look at each other with our eyes wide. Before coach could reply, Jan interrupted trying to change the subject, "eat before the hasenpfeffer gets cold!"

We all chuckle as Bombay takes the plate and begins to eat, "so how's the team?" coach asks before he takes a bite. "Good! Some of them don't play hockey anymore but we all haven't been playing much hockey since you left."

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