Chapter 18

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Another day, another mean look from Adam. Everyone kept telling me he doesn't hate me but it's really hard to believe. I did it to help him, he would've just injured himself more.

I kept telling myself that i did the right thing and having him healing was worth all the disgusted looks that had been thrown my way. But every single look of pure hatred had just chipped off another little piece of my heart.

He mostly clung to Julie, he probably knew that was hurting me more.

"Okay kiddos! That ends our lesson for today! Enjoy the rest of your break until practice!"

I packed up my books and saw Adam struggling with his one arm, his other had been in a sling. I made my way over and picked up his books, "here let me help you."

"Haven't you done enough already," he said while giving me another common glare that i have been getting lately.

"Adam i'm so-"

"Save it Kendall! I don't need your help! Now i'd appreciate if you would put my books down." My mouth formed into a frown as i did what he asked and placed his books back down on his desk.

I stood there as he gave one final glare and looked away, "hey Julie! Could you help me with my books?"

Julie came rushing over, "of course i can babe!" He gave her a kiss on the cheek just to spite me. I scoffed and wore a sarcastic smile as water filled my eyes. I held the tears in with all my strength. "Oh, hey Kendall!" Julie said while smiling at me.

"Hi Julie," i reply while giving her the best smile i could but probably ended up looking solemn.

"I'll uh see you guys later," i say as Adam and I lock eyes once more and i left. I found a little secluded hallway where i could get myself together.

Once i was alone i put my back against the wall and let out a loud breath. I bit my lip and lifted up my head towards the ceiling trying to keep in the loose tears that were threatening to fall.

I heard a laugh and footsteps heading my way. I quickly wiped my eyes and put a smile on my face. "Kendall? Are you okay?" Dean.

And that's what it took for me to crack. The tears that had threatened my eyes began to fall furiously down my face, "no."

He instantly wrapped his big arms around me, just holding me to his chest. I sobbed into his shirt, making it all wet. He stroked the back of my hair as we both took a seat on the floor. I hugged him, letting out all the tears i had been holding in.

I don't know how long i had sat there crying while Dean held me. I finally separated from his grasp and sat there numbingly. I wasn't crying anymore. Tears were still in my eyes as well as the paths they had made down my face.

I kept my focus forward on the wall in front of me. Dean stood up and offered his hand towards me, "come on." I looked up at his stretched out hand, contemplating if i wanted to go or not.

My hand reached up as my fingers laced around his. We walked hand and hand down the long hallway. The same numb expression stayed on my face as we stayed quiet.

This trip was supposed to be the chance of a lifetime. It was supposed to make me happy, it was supposed to be fun. It was supposed to.

Instead i got feelings of jealousy, a relationship i don't even want to be in, the guy i actually like hates me, many breakdowns, and more than half of my memory is gone. Great fun!

I honestly just want to go home. I mean i can't really play anyway so why not.

"I need to find Charlie," i muttered to Dean.

"Okay, let's go find him."

We walked around until we found him outside the USA building playing some football with some other boys.

I left Deans side as i walked over to Charlie. "Hey Char, we need to talk."

He looks over to me with a worried expression and instantly started to walk with me. We took a seat at a bench where we could see a view of the beach.

"What's up Kendall?"

"I... um.... i want to go home," i say quietly.

"What! Why?" He exclaims. I let out a sarcastic laugh, "if you haven't seen so far Charlie, California hasn't really treated me well, it's probably not safe for me to play anyway. And It's not healthy for me to be this upset all the time."

"Is it because of Adam?" He exclaimed angrily. "No! No! I mean yes, but not all of it is because of Adam. Some sadness is from not being able to remember anything and my own self worth."

I see the tears develop in his eyes, "is this really what you want?" I let out a long sigh, "yes."

His lips formed a thin line as he nodded his head sadly. "Okay," he muttered, "let's go call mom and talk to coach."

I took his hand as we walked to my coach's office. "Let's not tell anyone else about this. I don't want to throw off their drift."

Charlie stayed silent but nodded to show he understood.

"Come in!" the coach yelled as we entered his office and shut the door behind us. "What can i do for you today Conway's?"

I stood there silently for a little while, "i want to go home, coach."

His facial expressions turned glum, "are you sure about this?"

I nodded my head as he let out a loud sigh. He already knew everything that was going on with me, he probably understood why i wanted to go home.

"Okay, let's give your mom a call," he said while picking up the phone.

"Oh and coach i would appreciate if we could just not tell the rest of the team until i was gone. I don't want them to try and convince me not to go, i need to do this for me."

He nodded sadly, agreeing to my words.

I talked to my mom about my reasons and Bombay talked to her about the expense and told her that's it's covered.

Charlie stayed silent throughout the whole ordeal. I could see the tears rolling down his face. I felt so awful for leaving him but for once i needed to do what was best for me.

I know this was the weak way out but some times it's okay to show and give in to your weakness, if it means taking a break and letting yourself breathe.

"Your flight leaves tonight."

A/N- Thank you for reading! I know this was a shorter chapter but i hope you enjoyed it! If you like Teen Wolf, i have another book out called Little Omega, check it out! I hope you lovelies have an amazing day. It's officially summer for me! Which means i'm officially a senior, yikes. More chapters coming soon!

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