Chapter 13

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"You know what Kendall?"


"We are literally just living on a floating rock, what is our purpose in life?"

"Geez why so deep?"

"I don't know it just happens at random moments but my thoughts could change the world and will change the world one day, just you wait and see!"

"Yeah, mhmm okay Char whatever you say."

For the first time in forever i had nothing to do. So, i was waiting out my boredom with Charlie hoping that he would find something fun to do but we had just been sitting in the living area for the past 2 hours watching some cartoons and over analyzing life.

I looked up at the clock to see that it was 7:30. "Ooh i should get going to meet Fulton and Dean," i say as i grab my things and head towards the door. "You know you could still join us for ice cream!" I tried to persuade Charlie but being the goody two-shoes he is i knew he wouldn't go.

"And break curfew? I don't think so!"

"Oh come on Charlie, have some fun!"

"I wouldn't call being constantly nervous about being caught and possibly being benched for the season fun!"

"What's life without a little risk!" i say with a wink as i exit into the hallway but not before hearing Charlie scream, "a lot safer!"

As i turn the corner i accidentally bump into a certain blue eyed blondie. "Oh i'm sorry Adam!"

"Oh, it's okay. Where are you going this late? Curfew is soon."

"That's just it Banksie! I'm breaking curfew. Shhh don't tell anyone," i give him a wink as i begin to walk away.

I feel him grab my arm and spin me around, "you're going out alone?"

"Of course not! I'm going with Fulton and Dean."

"But shouldn't you get some rest before we play Iceland tomorrow? They're going to be tough to beat."

"I'll be fine Adam! You can come along too if you want! It'll be fun!" i try to convince as i smirk and grab onto his hands. I don't know where this new found confidence was coming from but i was enjoying it.

I see the blush begin to grow onto his cheeks as he drops my hands. My smile drops into a frown, "i'm sorry i already have plans with Julie."

I feel my heart shatter as i don't even bother to hide my expressions, "oh okay, have fun Adam," i say with no emotion.

I begin to walk away once again as i hear him call out to me, "Kendall wait! What's wrong?"

I turn around to face him but yet again don't hide my somber facial expressions, "nothing i'm fine. I'll see you later Adam."

I rush to the Bash Brothers dorm and don't even bother knocking as i barge in. "Do you mind if i use your bathroom before we leave?"

"Kendall what's wrong?" Fulton says running up to me. "I'm okay i just need to do my business!" i say as i try to pull off the most convincing smile i could. He lets go of my shoulders as he points me in the direction of the bathroom.

"Thank you," i mutter as i slip behind the door and lock it behind me.

I put both my hands on the sink as i stare at myself in the mirror. What's wrong with me? Am i too ugly for Adam? Not pretty enough? Not funny enough? Not kind enough? Not that good at hockey? Not bright enough? Not bold enough? Not smart enough? Not rich enough? What does Julie have that i don't? Everything, that's what she has! She is everything and i am nothing. I'm a stupid, worthless, ugly teenage girl who likes a boy way out of her league, that's all i am. Nothing.

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