Chapter 10

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"Team USA leads Trinidad 6-0!"

This game is going to make an easy win, even with me and Adam not on good terms. We had kept our deal, we still worked together with scoring points but once the shot was made no celebration together, no conversation.

I skate down on the left side of the rink swerving past the Trinidad players. "Connie!" i yell to get my bestie's attention as she skates down center.

I swiftly pass her the puck causing her to shoot and score. 7-0.

We skate towards each other and tackle one another in a hug. "Who needs a Banks Conway power duo when you got the Conway Moreau power duo!"

"That does sound pretty good!" she says with a nod of agreement.

"Kendall and Guy switch!" my coach yells which calls me into the box.

I take my helmet off and move the hair thats matted to my forehead from sweat. I see Fulton and Dean on the ice bashing into people like crazy and i love it.

I giggle as Fulton and Dean celebrate the goal they made.

Soon enough i'm switched with Charlie and make my way back out onto the ice.

Charlie's POV

"Give them your worst!" i shout at Kendall as we switch places. She nods seriously as she skates out onto the ice and i laugh knowing that she will give them her worst.

I take a seat next to Adam who doesn't seem to notice i'm there as his attention is up in the stands.

"You gotta a girl in the stands?"

He shakes his head as he looks back out onto the ice, "no." I follow his gaze to see that it's focused on Kendall as she swiftly steals the puck and makes the shot scoring us another point. I see the gleam in his eyes as he watches her celebrate and the small smile that creeps onto his face.

"Nice one Kendall!" i shout and turn back to Adam.

He eventually shifts his glance back into the stands, "scouts."

"You're worried about scouts? Come on Adam you're the best player i know!"

"What about Kendall?"

"Okay maybe you're tied," i admit as he chuckles. He once again puts his glance on Kendall as she skates swiftly across the ice and the small smile never leaves his face.

"You know that i know that you like Kendall right?"

His face instantly turns red, "i do not! I like Julie! You're sister is one of the most stubborn, annoying, and... and."

"You can't think of anything else bad about her can you?" i ask knowingly with a smirk pulled onto my face.

He drops his head as he whispers something i don't think i'm meant to hear, "there's nothing bad about her, she's perfect."

After a bit he lifts his head up, "i don't like her like that Charlie, okay? Just give it a rest."

"Adam, Charlie! Change it up!"

Kendall's POV

Trinidad finally scored a point. They're fans played what sounded like Jamaican music as there players danced in victory.

I smiled at there celebrations and started to dance to there music on my own.

"Kendall what are you doing? They just scored a point!" Charlie shouts at me.

"You can't blame for dancing to catchy music Charlie!"

He shakes his head disappointedly as he skates off. At least Averman joined me in the dance so at least i wasn't lonely.

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