Chapter 14

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"I'm sorry but... who are you?"

The boy with the blue eyes had a shocked expression on his face, i mean was i supposed to know him?

The boy didn't answer me as i noticed that he was about to cry. I felt terrible, i know it wasn't my fault but i just hate hurting peoples feelings.

"Kendall!" I hear Charlie shout. "Please tell me you remember me," he says sadly as he hugs me. I give him an reassuring pat on the back, "of course i know you Charlie! Why wouldn't i?" I let out a giggle as my mom ran over and planted kisses all over my face, "oh sweetie!" I saw the tears gleam in her eyes.

Connie came rushing to the foot of my bed, "Kendall?"

I let out another chuckle, "yes Connie?"

"Oh thank goodness you remember me!" she says as she lets out a sigh of relief then comes over and hugs me. Why does everyone keep thinking i don't remember them?

"I'll go get a doctor," the blue eyed boy says from next to me then gets up and leaves the room.

Connie took his seat as Charlie kept his eyes peeled on me. "Charlie, who was that boy?"

I see a somber expression pass over his face, "you don't remember Adam?"

"I've never met him in my life! How am i supposed to know him!"

He too grows tears in his eyes, "Kendall, you do know him. He's Adam! You guys are very special in each other's lives!"

"Stop joking around! I don't know him! And who are they?" i say pointing over to the rest of the people in the room.

"Kendall, you don't remember me?" A blond boy says coming forward, "I'm Guy! We've been best friends since we were 4!"

At this point i begin to panic, i'm pretty sure i can remember my own life so why the heck are these people say i'm forgetting them.

"What are you talking about? Mom? what's going on! What's wrong with me!" i start to shout worriedly.

Before anyone can say anything the doctor comes running in. "Hi Kendall, i'm Dr. Kelly! Do you know why you're here?"

"Yeah i..." i try to think of the reason why i am in here but i come to find that i actually have no idea why i'm here, "no i don't know why i'm here." i say as tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

The doctor sighs, "well Kendall, you know you play hockey right?"

"Yeah of course! How could i forget hockey!"

"Well," he goes on, "i don't know if you remember but your on team USA for the Junior GoodWill games and as you were playing Iceland, you took an extremely hard hit causing you to be knocked out for several days."

I let the tears freely flow down my face. Junior Goodwill games? I'm in the Junior goodwill games? I was chosen for team USA?

I take deep breaths as i try to calm myself down, "how long have i been out?"

"Only 3 days but that is still a long time to be out."

I take a deep breath trying to process everything, "Doctor?"


"They say i'm forgetting things and people. What's wrong with me?"

"I believe that your brain has chosen to remember some things and forget other things. You most likely mainly remember the things from when you were a child which is why you don't remember most of your team and recent things that have happened."

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